Re: [NEW] bugbear_b.nasl

From: Renaud Deraison (deraisonat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 11 2003 - 11:16:44 PDT

  • Next message: larosa, vjay: "RE: [NEW] bugbear_b.nasl"

    On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 08:51:23AM +0200, Pavel Kankovsky wrote:
    > On Tue, 10 Jun 2003, Renaud Deraison wrote:
    > > Connect to port 1080 and tell me if you see anything.
    > > If not, what happens when you send the letter "p" ? What happens when
    > > you send a cariage return ?
    > argo:/home/peak $ echo p | ./nc INFECTED-HOST 1080 | od -t x1
    > 0000000 2e 19 98 24 2f c2 e2 32 71 44 4b f3 63 c5 97 53
    On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 12:11:28PM -0400, larosa, vjay wrote:
    > Hello Renaud,
    > 0x0040: 12 6B 45 2E 04 53 6F 16 0A A6 2B E6 C4 A0 4A A0  .kE..So...+...J.
    > 0x0050: 27 C8 B3 1D EB B7 3D 22 FD F2 A0 9B 2C F0 B9 DA  '.....="....,...
    > 0x0060: F5 BC 22 5D 0C 92 82 9A 73 69 82 11 EB 18 98 95  .."]
    Okay, as one can tell, this thing outputs random data (from our point of
    view). Just to be sure, I got my hands on a copy of it and confirmed the
    "randomness" on a third host.
    So the attached plugin connects to the port and issues the "p" command.
    Then it connects back and sends "x" (which has no output). If we had a
    reply for "p" but not for "x", then we can assume that it's bugbear.b.
    (yeah yeah, I know I could have digged deeper).
    				-- Renaud

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