Re: CISCO ipv4 DoS code

From: Renaud Deraison (deraisonat_private)
Date: Fri Jul 18 2003 - 12:12:35 PDT

  • Next message: Pavel Kankovsky: "Re: CISCO ipv4 DoS code"

    On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 03:05:21PM -0400, Michael Scheidell wrote:
    > > 
    > > 
    > > The attached plugin will supposedly block the interface of a CISCO
    > > router vulnerable to the widely publicized vulnerability. I did not test
    > > it, and I don't plan to officially include it (it's redundant with
    > > cisco_ipv4_dos.nasl which is non-intrusive). As such, its description
    > > should not be taken too seriously.
    > but, then again, one of the problems with just relying on the snmp OS
    > string, or in the case of 'banners', (smtp banners, netbios registry
    > entries) is that we truly don't do the test.
    > In the case of this one, yes, its a LOT more intrusive than say, just
    > KILL_HOST (more like KILL_NET ;0) but should not it be included?  I mean,
    > there are those other cisco snmp DOS's that will KILL_NET and those are in
    > the standard distribution.
    The main issue in that case is that it does not kill the router, it
    kills its ability to forward packets. ie: AFAIK, it continues to respond
    after the attack (I may be wrong though, as I did not test it).
    				-- Renaud

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