Remote IIS patch level detection.

From: Haroon Meer (haroonat_private)
Date: Mon Aug 11 2003 - 09:12:32 PDT

  • Next message: Paul Johnston: "Plugin 10369 - dvwssr.dll backdoor"

    [This has been around in perl scripts for a while now..]
    IIS throws a different (predictable) Content-Length value based on its
    applied Service pack level.
    The attached .nasl makes a guess @ remote IIS sp-version based on the
    returned Content Length. (This only tested on English versions..)
    (Thanks muchly to robat_private for most of the signatures / initial
    Haroon Meer                                                         MH
    SensePost Information Security                          +27 83786 6637
    PGP :     haroonat_private

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