Re: MS03-026 vulnerability detection

From: H D Moore (hdmat_private)
Date: Thu Aug 21 2003 - 13:25:02 PDT

  • Next message: sulloat_private: "updated bugtraq IDs for openssh_pam_timing.nasl"

    On Thursday 21 August 2003 06:14 am, Abe wrote:
    > I have however found something interesting in the Xforce tool, which
    > claims to test a host in two seperate ways.
    [ snip ]
    > I was wondering if this difference could be a good basis for a nessus
    > plugin.
    Running a scan across a slow or bursty network segment would prevent this 
    from working correctly. I would prefer to deal with false positives based 
    on the host response than those incurred by network latency, at least the 
    former have a chance of being fixed at some point :)

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