anti_nessus V2

From: Michel Arboi (mikhailat_private)
Date: Mon Sep 01 2003 - 00:53:56 PDT

  • Next message: Renaud Deraison: "Re: anti_nessus V2"

    I commited a new version of anti_nessus.nasl; I hope that we will have
    less false positive this time.
    I am interested by any feed back...
    The difference:
    anti_nessus.nasl sends a query with a standard User-Agent then with
    ua=Nessus, and compares the server answer.  
    I suspect that some servers add a changing element on the line. A
    unique number maybe, or the time & date.
    Now, it just extracts & compares the HTTP codes (3 digits)

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