Re: Routing protocols

From: Michel Arboi (mikhailat_private)
Date: Wed Sep 03 2003 - 15:57:09 PDT

  • Next message: Michel Arboi: "domino6_overflows.nasl"

    Pavel Kankovsky <peakat_private> writes:
    > There is a protocol intended to avoid them. See:
    And "handle collisions gracefully". This must be a joke :-\
    > It might be a problem but IMHO, it is irrelevant compared to the fact the
    > router accepts unauthenticated route advertisements at all.
    Right. By the way, a RIP agent should only accept routes that are
    submitted by a neighbour, no?
    Maybe we should output a HUGE warning if islocalnet() is false.
    Or maybe nobody accepts such route?
    > Hmm...yes. Idea: give the bogus route the highest possible metric (15
    > for RIP) to limit its distribution to other routers.
    So we must send a route with a metric of 14. I wonder what happens if
    the router detects that the sender is not on a directly connected
    physical network...

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