Hi there! Ok: $ ls |wc -l 1810 $ grep -iL cve *nasl |wc -l 717 So, there are 717 with no mention of CVE references whatsoever, that's quite a lot but CVE is not complete. I have taken some time do a CVE revision, and attached is the result (48 files reviewed). Some comments: - for those I have not been able to found any CVE references I've added 'script_cve_id("CVE-MAP-NOMATCH");'. Why? Because it makes it easier to do further reviews (just look for those files that do _not_ have script_cve_id). The fact that there is _no_ CVE reference is useful and will avoid others to review (over and over) the same files if they don't have a CVE id. I'm using the same token Bugtraq uses even if http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-MAP-NOMATCH is invalid. - For all those "default accounts" plugins I've used "CAN-1999-0508" or any of the CAN-1999-0501 to CAN-1999-0508 appropiate (those are generic entries for null, blank, guessable, and default passwords over different systems). - I've added more information on the CISCO plugins since some are not verbose enough to determine _what_ precisely is the problem. Hopefully this is useful to others, and Renaud will include it in CVS after others have a chance to comment any mistakes I might have done. Regards Javi PS: I'm not sure I will be able to review the pending 669 but, just for the record, I've started in the order given by ' grep -iL cve *nasl' (top to bottom).
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