Re: [Plugins-writers] Nmap Plugin

From: Renaud Deraison (deraison@private)
Date: Thu Dec 18 2003 - 17:53:43 PST

  • Next message: Brian: "[Plugins-writers] nasl for "CVS pserver dir create bug" could be better"

    On Thu, Dec 18, 2003 at 04:31:51PM +0100, Michel Arboi wrote:
    > > I need to do a lot more testing, but my current feeling is that nmap
    > > -sV is likely to become the leading "version scanner".
    > The last time I tried amap and nmap -sV, I was not convinced of the
    > utility of adding support for them.
    The initial version of nmap+sV had a smaller database, and maybe it will
    become the "leading" version scanner. However I first want to see
    consistency in the database output, and I want to be sure that nobody
    using it against his internal LAN gets bad surprises, and given the
    current implementation I fear some people do. If the behavior of -sV
    happens to be tuneable in the future (safe_checks and no port
    assumption) and if it turns out that nmap is *WAY* better than
    find_services & all the *_detect.nasl plugins, then we'll probably add a
    better support for it. 
    But my concern really is intrusiveness - I've had people having host crash 
    because of a simple nmap -O, so I'm extremely careful about that, as usual.
    				-- Renaud
    Plugins-writers mailing list

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