[Plugins-writers] Need someone with an nt box to check something

From: Michael Scheidell (scheidell@private)
Date: Sat Mar 06 2004 - 04:38:44 PST

  • Next message: Renaud Deraison: "Re: [Plugins-writers] False negative for linksys_ap_default_password?"

    Microsoft decided to be very inconsistent in their registry entries between NT and win2k when recording hotfixes.
    When NT records a hotfix for example: Q817606, doesn't it put a 'Comments' line in 
    HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Hotfix\Q817606?
    and, on Windows 2000, XP and windows 2003, doesn't it go into (both?)
     key = "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Hotfix\Q817606";
     item = "Comments";
    (note, I think that plugin smb_nt_ms03-024.nasl may incorrectly use the Description item in NT, but I don't have an NT box around to check it against)
    And, actually, in the case of Q817606, Microsoft doesn't even mention the hotfixes registry hive, in fact, wanting to verify the dates on the files in the file list.
    and in:
     key = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Windows 2000\SP4\Q817606";
     item = "Description";
    and for xp: (and windows 2003 server)
    key = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Windows XP\SP2\Q817606";
     item = "Description";
    (note, the updates reg tree needs administrative privileges to read)
    Several plugins that I have written, worked on and reviews in the smb_nt_msyy-nnn.nasl format attempt to read these registry keys.
    I have been told that maybe for non-english language versions, that Microsoft no longer populates the legacy 'hotfixes' directory.
    Michael Scheidell
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