Re: [Plugins-writers] script dependencies

From: Skill2Die4 (skill2die4@private)
Date: Fri Mar 12 2004 - 12:00:03 PST

  • Next message: dave@private: "[Plugins-writers] nasl hash question"

    >> Should not be. Does they start to work if you run only one plugin 
    >> in parallel ?
    Works now :-) ... thank you !
    Moreover, i noticed that ....
    foo_detector.nasl = script id -> 500   
    foo.nasl               = script id -> 501   (dependent upon above)
    If they are both in ACT_GATHER_INFO ;  then they follow the
    script id sequence and foo.nasl quits immediately if kb item is not
    set by foo_detector.nasl
    But, if i change foo.nasl category to ACT_ATTACK , then it 
    starts BEFORE the foo_detector.nasl .... which confuses me 
    regarding the role of script_id & script_category in prioritizing 
    the scripts while running.
    If this has been documented , could you please send me the 
    link to it. Eager to do some more RTFM :-)
    Thanks again,
    Plugins-writers mailing list

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