Re: [Plugins-writers] New Plugin Help

From: Renaud Deraison (deraison@private)
Date: Mon Apr 05 2004 - 06:03:47 PDT

  • Next message: Erik Stephens: "Re: [Plugins-writers] New Plugin Help"

    On Sun, Apr 04, 2004 at 11:42:12PM -0700, Erik Stephens wrote:
    > Attached is a plugin that tests for an information leak vulnerability
    > in Ultimate PHP Board.  It bums a lot of code off of
    > upb_code_injection (id=11671).  I have some questions still:
    > How are we dealing with OSVDB IDs?  I defined it using script_xref().
    > Is that all right?
    This is all right.
    > In order to test it using the standalone nasl interpreter, I had to
    > feed it the path where I had my test UPB installed, like so:
    >   foreach d (make_list("/my/install/dir", "/board", cgi_dirs()))
    > Adding webmirror.nasl to the list of dependencies didn't help.  Is
    > that implicitly depended on?  Does it not do anything when running
    > from the standalone nasl interpreter?
    That only works when working from within nessusd (the nasl interpreter
    is really dumb - it executes code, but it's the job of nessusd to do
    all the backend communication between plugins).
    > foreach d (make_list("/upb", "/board", cgi_dirs()))
    Are "/upb" and "/board" really needed ? webmirror.nasl and 
    DDI_Directory_Scanner.nasl should find the relevant CGI directories
    by themselves (and saving us two requests at the same time).
    > {
    >   display(d);
    >   req = http_get(item:string(d, "/db/users.dat"), port:port);
    >   res = http_keepalive_send_recv(port:port, data:req);
    >   if (res == NULL)
    >     exit(0);
    >   if (egrep(pattern:"^Admin<~>", string:res))
    Is the .dat file binary or pure text ? If it's binary, you definitely
    want to use if ( "Admin<~>" >< res ) instead, as egrep() and regular
    expressions have a hard time coping with binary data.
    				-- Renaud
    Plugins-writers mailing list

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