[Plugins-writers] Port Scanning / KB items when running via nasl

From: Michael Ihde (mike.ihde@private)
Date: Wed Jun 16 2004 - 09:17:47 PDT

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    I'm trying to write some nessus plugins however I would like to be able
    to run them from the command line via the nasl interpreter sometimes
    instead of from the client.  One of the tests I want to write needs to
    iterate through the list of open ports and send packets.
    Currently I'm trying to use the scanner_get_port() function, but that
    seems to never return any open ports.  I've also looked at other scripts
    which use the KB but have not tried implementing that yet.
    My basic question is, when running a single test via nasl how do I
    persuade nessus to perform a port scan first?  Should I be using a
    different method to invoke the script?
    ~Michael Ihde
    Plugins-writers mailing list

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