[Plugins-writers] Correction needed for ssh timing attack

From: Senthil Kumar (senthilkumar_sen@private)
Date: Fri Jan 07 2005 - 08:29:57 PST

Hello All,

Im  testing OpenSSH for vulnerabilites with the help of nessus. The nessus nasl script openssh_pam_timing.nasl is not reporting vulnerability even for vulnerable systems. The following change in the script makes it to report the vulnerabilities correctly.

Remove this:
-if ( now - then == 0 )
-if ( now - then >= 2 ) security_note(port);

Add this:
68 ret = ssh_login(socket:soc, login:"nonexistent" + rand(), password:"n3ssus");
69 now = unixtime();
+70 inval_diff=now - then;

77   ret = ssh_login(socket:soc, login:"bin", password:"n3ssus");
78   now = unixtime();
+79 val_diff=now - then;
+80 if ( (val_diff - inval_diff) >= 1) security_note(port);

As the ssh_login for a non-existent user will take some time, checking the difference value of time to be zero is not correct.

Senthil Kumar.

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