Re: [Plugins-writers] Dynamic Descriptions in Plugins

From: Nicolas Pouvesle (npouvesle@private)
Date: Wed Jan 12 2005 - 18:58:33 PST

Erik Stephens wrote:
> Greetings,
> While looking at the results of iis_ver_check.nasl, I was a little 
> stumped by the description.  It didn't have any of the detailed 
> description from the plugin's "desc" property, just "The remote IIS 
> server *seems* to be <ver>".  That's because it overrides the data field 
> in security_note:
>     security_note(port:port, data:ver)
> Ideally, it would have both the general commentary plus the dynamic 
> version piece in the note's description.  What's the best way to do 
> that?  I'd like to do something like:
>     security_note(port:port, data:string(get_desc(), '\n\n', ver))
> but I can't find a function to give me the plugin's description.

You just need to do :

report = string (desc["english"], "\n\n", ver);
security_note(port:port, data:report);

and to declare desc["english"] out of the if(description){} block to be 
available in the whole plugin.

Anyway in this case (iis_ver_check.nasl) the plugin description should 
be changed because the script only check the IIS version and not if the 
version is not up-to-date.



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