[Plugins-writers] Plugin 10807 (Jakarta Tomcat 3.1 Path Disclosure) False Positive

From: Jon Passki (cykyc@private)
Date: Thu Feb 17 2005 - 10:52:34 PST

Hello All,

Could the following check be put into plugin 10807?  I grabbed the
Server check from plugin 11176, but I do not know what a 3.1
returns in the Server response header.  The plugin reported
positive on a Win32 Jakarta 4.0.1 (according to the banner) system.
 I don't have  a packet dump or the response to validate the reply.

diff -u tomcat_path_disclosure.nasl.orig
--- tomcat_path_disclosure.nasl.orig    2005-02-17
12:49:09.099600200 -0600
+++ tomcat_path_disclosure.nasl 2005-02-17 12:49:36.036991200 -0600
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
  r = http_recv(socket:soc);

- if("Tomcat" >< r)
+ if("Server: Apache Tomcat/3.1" >< r)
   path = ereg_replace(pattern:".*HTTP Status 404 - ([^<]*)

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