Re: [Plugins-writers] General: Plugins Reporting Unrelated Historic Information

From: Jon Passki (cykyc@private)
Date: Sat Feb 19 2005 - 07:50:48 PST

--- Michel Arboi <mikhail@private> wrote:

> On Fri, 2005-02-18 at 14:15 -0800, Jon Passki wrote:
> > If I contribute patches removing this, would they be likely
> > committed?
> Instead of removing the comments, maybe we could tune the report
> with
> variables from report_verbosity or
> report_paranoia?
> For example, the "harsh comment" could be added only if 
> report_paranoia > 1
> Yes? No?

That works, too.  Do you agree, though, that it's inconsistent to
only focus on a couple services (such as the UDP services) versus
all services?  We don't do that with HTTP or FTP services, then why
is it okay with lesser-used services?  I'd rather be more worried
if I was assessing a network and came across multiple unused HTTP
services versus echo/udp services, regardless if there was a


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