Re: [Plugins-writers] Low Priority: Changing output to security_notice in showmount.nasl (#10437)

From: Michel Arboi (mikhail@private)
Date: Sun Feb 20 2005 - 01:51:37 PST

On Sat, 2005-02-19 at 12:55 -0800, Jon Passki wrote:
> Below is the code snippet containing the two I think needing
> adjustment.  Both only inform of an NFS server that does not export
> files.  A superfluous service should not cause a warning.

Mmmhhhh... An unused service is a potential hole, isn't it? Removing it
hardens the system. I agree that a NFS server that exports directories
is more dangerous than one that does not export anything, but it is
useful (or at least should be used), so we cannot close it.

Maybe we should agree on a precise definition of what should be
security_note, warning and hole, and also the "risk level". This dead
horse has been beaten many times on the mailing lists, but it is not yet

- a note should be informative only. e.g. for a complete audit. You
might decide that some things should be closed because there are useless
or against your policy, but Nessus cannot chose.
- a warning should be a potential hole, a weakness. A superfluous
service might fit. Predictable IP IDs or accepting source routed packets
might fit too: there are not a hole by themselves, but might allow some
attacks in some precise situation (stealth scan...)
- a hole should be a real weakness (or a false positive alerts).
The border is fuzzy. For example, giving too much information (through
SNMP, or by displaying the web root of your server) might be a "warning"
or a "hole" (if the data is considered confidential?)

Said in another way, grep the "holes" from a report and give them to the
IT team ("patch that")

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