[Plugins-writers] smtp_expn.nasl regex change

From: Kurt Grutzmacher (grutz@private)
Date: Wed Apr 20 2005 - 08:14:29 PDT

The regex lines for the smtp_expn.nasl needs to be modfied to adequately
report on some SMTP servers that are sending 550- or 250- results rather
than "550 <result>" etc.

Line 110:
  if(ereg(string:r, pattern:"^(250|550).*$"))

Line 125:
        if(ereg(string:r, pattern:"^(250|550).*$"))

Note the removal of the space from 550).*$ )

              ..:[ grutz at jingojango dot net ]:..
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       "There's just no amusing way to say, 'I have a CISSP'."

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