Re: [Plugins-writers] prado_viewstate.nasl - test for PRADO viewstate vulnerability

From: Michel Arboi (mikhail@private)
Date: Sat May 07 2005 - 05:34:04 PDT

On Fri May 06 2005 at 19:00, Hubert Seiwert wrote:

> Any comments are welcome...

I did not look at the attack part in details. Here are comments on the

>  desc["english"] = "Script to detect PRADO 2.0.0 and below VIEWSTATEvulnerability";

Description can span on several lines. Usually, it includes "Risk" and
"Solution" lines.

>  summary["english"] =
> "Tests for improper handling of the VIEWSTATE form
> variable (no HMAC verification) in PRADO 2.0.0 and
> below, which may be exploitable for arbitrary code
> execution";

On the contrary, summary must be on one single line. You have to
switch desc & summary, I guess, and add some comments to desc.

>  script_category(ACT_MIXED_ATTACK);

You don't call the safe_check function, this cannot be "MIXED".
It looks like an ACT_ATTACK, unless there is a risk of killing the
remote service (ACT_DESTRUCTIVE_ATTACK in this case) 

>  script_require_ports("Services/www", 80);

You also need script_dependencies("httpver.nasl")

> debug_level = 1;


> if (debug_level)display("Found page possibly generated by PRADO\n");

You can use debug_print() instead
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