RE: [Plugins-writers] local checks

From: M.A.C.Dekker@private
Date: Tue Jun 21 2005 - 03:05:59 PDT

Sorry for the confusion, it is a *nix machine I'm looking at.
Thanks for the tip about the signing. 

Now I only found windows-plugins, does anyone know of a plugin come that searches for a file and search for a string inside of it? Or anything close to that?

Thanks a lot, 

-----Original Message-----
From: MadHat [mailto:madhat@private] 
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 18:59
To: Dekker, M.A.C.
Cc: plugins-writers@private
Subject: Re: [Plugins-writers] local checks

On Jun 20, 2005, at 3:39 AM, <M.A.C.Dekker@private> <M.A.C.Dekker@private> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Is it possible to run a local check for risky lines in say the apache 
> config http.config or the php config php.ini files?
> I seem to see only local scans on registry-values?
> I'm thinking about some standalone file-finder, perl or so, however I 
> would just love to bring it as a nasl script.

I am guessing since you mentioned registry, you are looking at windows.  If so, take a look at the, it has the functions you need to read files on a windows box.

MadHat (at), C˛ISSP
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