[Plugins-writers] Scriptid 11455 Bug Fix

From: Scott Shebby (scotts@private)
Date: Tue Sep 13 2005 - 09:47:53 PDT


Apparently there is a bug in the ereg() function that causes it not  
to parse multilines properly (maybe this is old news) even when  
specifically instructed to.  Because of this, scriptid 11455  
(frontpage_passwordless.nasl) false negatives on some IIS5.0 servers.

IIS5.0 seems to sometimes send a "HTTP 100 Continue" response  
immediately preceeding the "HTTP 200 OK" response on POST requests.   
This seems to only occur using HTTP/1.1.

Change the "ereg" to "egrep" on line 74:   if(ereg(pattern:"^HTTP/ 
[0-9]\.[0-9] 200 .*", string:res) && "x-vermeer-rpc" >< res)
and it parses the multi-response properly.

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