[Plugins-writers] Re: Plugins-writers Digest, Vol 26, Issue 2

From: Steven W Smith (swsmith@private)
Date: Tue Dec 13 2005 - 12:44:48 PST

Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2005 17:52:21 -0500
From: Renaud Deraison <deraison@private>
Subject: Re: [Plugins-writers] SSL Connection Functions?
To: Nessus Plugin Writeres Mailing List
Message-ID: <7437A5D3-B5C6-4B07-931D-FA48775F23BF@private>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed


It opens the TCP connection but does not perform the SSL negociation. 
In general, I'd simply recommand to force your plugin to depend on 
find_service.nes (which detects SSL) and to make sure you're 
portscanning the relevant port. If you do so, then open_sock_tcp() 
will negotiate SSL automagically.

In your case, since you know the application, you can force the SSL 

  soc = open_sock_tcp(ssl_port, transport:ENCAPS_TLSv1);

Then instead of hardcoding your GET request, you probably want to 
include http_func.inc so your script becomes :


soc = open_sock_tcp(ssl_port, transport:ENCAPS_TLSv1);
if ( ! soc ) {
   display("Port is closed or SSL negotiation failed\n");

send(socket:soc, data:http_get(item:"/some_file.http", port:ssl_port));
r = http_recv(socket:soc);
if (! r ) {
  display("No reply from the remote web server\n");
else display(r);

Hope this helps,

                                                                 -- Renaud
< /QUOTE >

Thank you.  That worked quite well.

Steven Smith

Plugins-writers mailing list

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