[Plugins-writers] False negatives in sql_injection.nasl

From: Richard Moore (rich@private)
Date: Fri Apr 28 2006 - 03:09:37 PDT

Hi All,

Doing some experiments with the sql_injection.nasl yesterday
showed that it failed to detect a trivially injectable CGI we
set up. Looking back through the history of the plugin it
appears that the problem was introduced in revision 1.25 when
support for blind injection was added. I've attached a version
that correctly detects the injection vulnerability (and also
added a generic signature for oracle error messages).

The problem sections are below:

# This breaks detecting a trivially injectable CGI
#       if (egrep(string:bres, pattern:"^HTTP/1\..*200 OK"))
#       {
#               exit(0);
#       }

Many CGIs will always give a 200 response, so this test will
always call the script to exit rather than properly testing
the CGI.

# This breaks detecting a trivially injectable CGI
#        for ( i = 0; posreply[i]; i ++ )
#        {
#               if ( posreply[i] >< res ) {
#                       exit(0);
#                }
#        }

This check follows sending a big number as the query string
and terminates unless the script gives you an error. This
is often not true for injectable CGIs - they may simply ignore
the input and return (for example) a form for you to fill in.

Neither of these checks were in revision 1.24 and it seems
likely that their addition will lead to many new false


Richard Moore, Principal Software Engineer,
Westpoint Ltd,
Albion Wharf, 19 Albion Street, Manchester, M1 5LN, England
Tel: +44 161 237 1028
Fax: +44 161 237 1031

# This script was written by John Lampe ... j_lampe@private
# Initial version of script was based (loosely) on wpoison by M.Meadele mm@private
# See http://wpoison.sourceforge.net
# See the Nessus Scripts License for details
# re-worked Aug 20, 2004 : jwlampe -at- tenablesecurity.com adds POST checks 
# June/July 2005	 : jwlampe -at- tenablesecurity.com adds Blind SQL Injection checks

 script_version ("$Revision: 1.26 $");
 name["english"] = "wpoison (nasl version)";
 desc["english"] = "
This script attempts to use SQL injection techniques on CGI scripts

More info at : http://www.securitydocs.com/library/2651

Solution : Modify the relevant CGIs so that they properly escape arguments.

Risk factor : High";

 summary["english"] = "Some common SQL injection techniques";
 script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2002 John Lampe...j_lampe@private");
 family["english"] = "CGI abuses";
 family["francais"] = "Abus de CGI";
 script_family(english:family["english"], francais:family["francais"]);
 script_dependencie("find_service.nes", "webmirror.nasl");
 script_require_ports("Services/www", 80);

# The script code starts here


single_quote = raw_string(0x27);

poison[0] = single_quote + "UNION" + single_quote;
poison[1] = single_quote;
poison[2] = single_quote + "%22";
poison[3] = "9%2c+9%2c+9";
poison[4] = single_quote + "bad_bad_value";
poison[5] = "bad_bad_value" + single_quote;
poison[6] = single_quote + "+OR+" + single_quote;
poison[7] = single_quote + "WHERE";
poison[8] = "%3B"; # semicolon
poison[9] = single_quote + "OR";
# methods below from http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
poison[10] = single_quote + " or 1=1--";
poison[11] = " or 1=1--";
poison[12] = single_quote + " or " + single_quote + "a" + single_quote + "=" + single_quote + "a";
poison[13] = single_quote + ") or (" + single_quote + "a" + single_quote + "=" + single_quote + "a";

# blind sql injection methods that we will pass
# if they are putting the user-supplied variable within single quotes, then we trick them with this
blinder[0] = single_quote + "+AND+" + single_quote + "a" + single_quote + ">" + single_quote + "b";
# otherwise, this will work most of the time
blinder[1] = "+AND+1=1";

posreply[0] = "Can't find record in";
posreply[1] = "Column count doesn't match value count at row";
posreply[2] = "error " + single_quote;
posreply[3] = "Incorrect column name";
posreply[4] = "Incorrect column specifier for column";
posreply[5] = "Invalid parameter type";
posreply[6] = "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error";
posreply[7] = "ODBC Microsoft Access Driver";
posreply[8] = "ODBC SQL Server Driver";
posreply[9] = "supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result";
posreply[10] = "mysql_query()";
posreply[11] = "Unknown table";
posreply[12] = "You have an error in your SQL syntax";
posreply[13] = "Error Occurred While Processing Request";
posreply[14] = "Syntax";
posreply[15] = "not a valid MySQL result resource";
posreply[16] = "unexpected end of SQL command";
posreply[17] = "mySQL error with query";
posreply[18] = "ORA-00936: missing expression";
posreply[19] = "ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended";
posreply[20] = "Unclosed quotation mark before the character string";
posreply[21] = "Incorrect syntax near";
posreply[22] = "PostgreSQL query failed:";
posreply[23] = "not a valid PostgreSQL result";
posreply[24] = "An illegal character has been found in the statement";
posreply[25] = "[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/6000]";
posreply[26] = "Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server:";
posreply[27] = "Can't connect to local";
posreply[28] = "ADODB.Recordset";
posreply[29] = "ORA-";

port = get_http_port(default:80);

if(! get_port_state(port))
unsafe_urls = "";
mywarningcount = blindwarningcount = 0;

name = string("www/", port, "/cgis");
cgi = get_kb_item(name);
if(! cgi)

# populate two arrays param[] and data[]  
everythingrray = split(cgi, sep:" ", keep:FALSE);    

if (everythingrray[0] =~ ".*/$")
	isdir = 1;
	isdir = 0;

if (! isdir)
	vrequest = string(everythingrray[0],"?");			
	bogus_vrequest = string(everythingrray[0],"?",rand());
	pseudocount = 0;
	foreach rrayval (everythingrray)
		if (pseudocount >= 2)
			if ("]" >< rrayval)
				tmpf = ereg_replace(pattern:"\[|\]", string:rrayval, replace:"");
				data[pseudocount] = tmpf;
				vrequest = string(vrequest,"=",tmpf);				
				param[pseudocount] = rrayval;
				if (pseudocount == 2)
					vrequest = string(vrequest,rrayval);
					vrequest = string(vrequest,"&",rrayval);
			param[pseudocount] = rrayval;

for (z=2; param[z]; z = z + 1) 
	blind = '';					
	url = vrequest;
	req = http_get(item:url, port:port);
        res = http_keepalive_send_recv(port:port, data:req);

        if ( ( res == NULL ) || (! egrep(string:res, pattern:"^HTTP/1\..*(200 OK|302)")) )

	res_saved = strstr(res,string("\r\n\r\n"));
	req = http_get(item:bogus_vrequest, port:port);
	bres = http_keepalive_send_recv(port:port, data:req);

# This breaks detecting a trivially injectable CGI
#	if (egrep(string:bres, pattern:"^HTTP/1\..*200 OK"))
#	{
#		exit(0);
#	}

# This breaks detecting a trivially injectable CGI
#        for ( i = 0; posreply[i]; i ++ )
#        {
#         	if ( posreply[i] >< res ) {
#			exit(0);
#                }
#        }

      	for (poo=0; poison[poo]; poo = poo + 1) 
		doblind = 0;
		qa = '';
        	url = string(param[0],"?");
		blind = string(param[0],"?");		
        	for (i=2 ; param[i]; i = i + 1) 
      			if (i == z) 
				if (blinder[poo])
					qa = string(blind,param[i],"=",data[i],"'");
					blind = string(blind,param[i],"=",data[i], blinder[poo]);        
          			if (data[i]) 
        				url = string(url,param[i],"=",poison[poo]);
              				url = string(url,param[i],"=",poison[poo]);
				if (blinder[poo])
					qa = string(qa,param[i],"=",data[i]);
					blind = string(blind,param[i],"=",data[i]);		
          			if (data[i]) 
              				url = string(url,param[i],"=",data[i]);
              				url = string(url,param[i],"=");
      			if (param[i + 1]) 
				url = string(url,"&");
				blind = string(blind,"&");
				qa = string(qa,"&");
		req = http_get(item:url, port:port);

		inbuff = http_keepalive_send_recv(port:port, data:req);
		if( inbuff == NULL ) 
        	for (mu=0; posreply[mu]; mu = mu + 1) 
            		if (posreply[mu] >< inbuff ) 
          			unsafe_urls = string(unsafe_urls, url, "\n");
          			mywarningcount = mywarningcount + 1;

		if (doblind > 0)
			req_blind = http_get(item:blind, port:port);			

			inbuff = http_keepalive_send_recv(port:port, data:req_blind);
                	if( inbuff == NULL )

			buff_body = strstr(inbuff,string("\r\n\r\n"));
			if (buff_body == res_saved)						
				req_qa = http_get(item:qa, port:port);
				inbuff = http_keepalive_send_recv(port:port, data:req_qa);
				qa_body = strstr(inbuff,string("\r\n\r\n"));
				if (qa_body != res_saved)
					blind_urls = string(blind_urls, blind, "\n");		
					blindwarningcount = blindwarningcount + 1;		

		if ( safe_checks() == 0 )
                	# create a POST req  
                	tmppost = split(url, sep:"?", keep:FALSE);
                	mypostdata = tmppost[1];
                	postreq = http_post(item:param[0], port:port, data:mypostdata);

			# Test the POST req
			inbuff = http_keepalive_send_recv(port:port, data:postreq);
			if ( inbuff == NULL )
                	for (mu=0; posreply[mu]; mu = mu + 1)
                        	if (posreply[mu] >< inbuff )
                                	unsafe_urls = string(unsafe_urls, url, "\n");
                                	mywarningcount = mywarningcount + 1;
			if (doblind > 0)
				# create a blind POST req                                       
                		tmppost = split(blind, sep:"?", keep:FALSE);                      
                		mypostdata = tmppost[1];                                        
                		postreq = http_post(item:param[0], port:port, data:mypostdata); 

                		inbuff = http_keepalive_send_recv(port:port, data:postreq);     
                		if ( inbuff == NULL )                                           

 				buff_body = strstr(inbuff,string("\r\n\r\n"));

                        	if (buff_body == res_saved)
					qapost = split(blind, sep:"?", keep:FALSE);
					qapostdata = tmppost[1];
					qareq = http_post(item:param[0], port:port, data:qapostdata);
					qabuff = http_keepalive_send_recv(port:port, data:qareq);
					qa_body = strstr(qabuff,string("\r\n\r\n"));

					if (qa_body != res_saved)
                        			blind_urls = string(blind_urls, blind, "\n");           
                        			blindwarningcount = blindwarningcount + 1;              
		# end the non-safe check

if (mywarningcount > 0) 
        report = string("
The following URLs seem to be vulnerable to various SQL injection
techniques : \n\n", 
An attacker may exploit this flaws to bypass authentication
or to take the control of the remote database.

Solution : Modify the relevant CGIs so that they properly escape arguments
Risk factor : High
See also : http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html");

        security_hole(port:port, data:report);

if (blindwarningcount > 0)
        report = string("
The following URLs seem to be vulnerable to BLIND SQL injection
techniques : \n\n",
An attacker may exploit this flaws to bypass authentication
or to take the control of the remote database.

Solution : Modify the relevant CGIs so that they properly escape arguments
Risk factor : High
See also : http://www.securitydocs.com/library/2651");

        security_hole(port:port, data:report);

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