Re: [Plugins-writers] what's wrong with this

From: Nicolas Pouvesle (npouvesle@private)
Date: Sat Oct 21 2006 - 08:56:43 PDT

Doug Nordwall wrote:
> I'm writing up a policy compliance script... all it does is check to see if
> the credentials provided can log into the box. They happen to be domain
> credentials, and I'm trying to see if the box is on the domain. If not, it
> elevates to critical.

This script can't work correctly due to the way smb_login.nasl works.

"SMB/login", "SMB/password" and "SMB/domain" have different values for:

- Correct domain credentials (including domain name)
- Correct domain credentials (but the domain name was wrong)
- Correct local credentials
- NULL session is valid

So if your host is not in the domain but has a local account with the
same login/password or if the host accepts NULL sessions (all Windows
systems do that) the connection to IPC$ will succeed and the host will
be considered as being part of the domain.

To make it work you should do a copy of smb_login.nasl and only keep the
domain credentials connection test :

supplied_login_is_correct = FALSE;

for ( i = 0 ; logins[i] && supplied_login_is_correct == FALSE ; i ++ )
  user_login = logins[i];
  user_password = passwords[i];
  user_domain = domains[i];

 if ((login(lg:user_login, pw:user_password, dom:user_domain) == TRUE )
 && ( session_is_guest() == 0 ))
  supplied_login_is_correct = TRUE;

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