[Plugins-writers] IIS Service Pack - 404

From: Haroon Meer (haroon@private)
Date: Mon Jan 08 2007 - 12:26:16 PST

Hi Guys..

The 404 service pack detection method seems to be pretty useless against

We did a quick check to see if there was an obvious way to use IIS to
determine if we were facing an SP1 or SP0

With very limited testing, we found that while SP0 correctly follows
RFC2616 using CR LF as an end of line marker, SP1 will also honor just
NL as an end of line marker.

This gives us a fairly trivial way to distinguish between SP0 and SP1:

intwocrastic:~$ perl -e ‘print “HEAD / HTTP/1.0\n\r\n”;’ | nc -v iis6_sp0 80
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

intwocrastic:~$ perl -e ‘print “HEAD / HTTP/1.0\n\r\n”;’ | nc -v iis6_sp1 80
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


For now i have added this as a diff to iis_ver_check.nasl (.diff and
.nasl attached)

It seems to work reliably on all of the boxes i have tested it on, but i
suspect it could get mixed results with inline filtering devices
mangling inline content..

Please let me know if it fails horribly :>


--- iis_ver_check.nasl  2006-05-17 13:41:29.000000000 +0200
+++ iis_ver_check_mh.nasl       2007-01-08 21:58:04.000000000 +0200
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@
 return values (Content-Length) within the IIS Servers 404 error message.
 As such, the test can not be totally reliable and should be manually

+Caveat2: To determine IIS6 patch levels a simple test is done based on
strict RFC2616
+compliance. It appears as if IIS6-SP1 will accept CR as an end of line
marker instead of
+both CR & LF.

 Solution: Ensure that the server is running the latest stable Service Pack
 Risk factor : High";
@@ -105,10 +108,21 @@

-        if (2166 == cl)
-                ver = ver + string("Microsoft IIS 6.0 - SP0\n");

-       if (1635 == cl)
-               ver = ver + string("Microsoft IIS 6.0 - w2k3 build 3790\n");
+        #if (2166 == cl)
+                #ver = ver + string("Microsoft IIS 6.0 - SP0\n");

+       #if (1635 == cl)
+               #ver = ver + string("Microsoft IIS 6.0 - w2k3 build
+        a = string("HEAD / HTTP/1.0\n\r\n");
+        soc = http_open_socket(port);
+        if(soc)
+        {
+                send(socket:soc, data: a);
+                r = recv(socket:soc, length:4096);
+                if(r =~ "200 OK") ver = ver + string("Microsoft IIS 6.0
- SP1\n");
+                if(r =~ "400 Bad Request") ver = ver +
string("Microsoft IIS 6.0 - SP0\n");
+        }

 if ( ver !=  "The remote IIS server *seems* to be " )
security_note(port:port, data:ver);


Haroon Meer, SensePost Information Security
PGP: http://www.sensepost.com/pgp/haroon.txt
Tel: +27 83786 6637

--- iis_ver_check.nasl	2006-05-17 13:41:29.000000000 +0200
+++ iis_ver_check_mh.nasl	2007-01-08 21:58:04.000000000 +0200
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@
 return values (Content-Length) within the IIS Servers 404 error message.
 As such, the test can not be totally reliable and should be manually confirmed.
+Caveat2: To determine IIS6 patch levels a simple test is done based on strict RFC2616
+compliance. It appears as if IIS6-SP1 will accept CR as an end of line marker instead of
+both CR & LF.
 Solution: Ensure that the server is running the latest stable Service Pack 
 Risk factor : High";
@@ -105,10 +108,21 @@
-        if (2166 == cl)
-                ver = ver + string("Microsoft IIS 6.0 - SP0\n");		
-	if (1635 == cl)
-		ver = ver + string("Microsoft IIS 6.0 - w2k3 build 3790\n");
+        #if (2166 == cl)
+                #ver = ver + string("Microsoft IIS 6.0 - SP0\n");		
+	#if (1635 == cl)
+		#ver = ver + string("Microsoft IIS 6.0 - w2k3 build 3790\n");
+        a = string("HEAD / HTTP/1.0\n\r\n");
+        soc = http_open_socket(port);
+        if(soc)
+        {
+                send(socket:soc, data: a);
+                r = recv(socket:soc, length:4096);
+                if(r =~ "200 OK") ver = ver + string("Microsoft IIS 6.0 - SP1\n");
+                if(r =~ "400 Bad Request") ver = ver + string("Microsoft IIS 6.0 - SP0\n");
+        }
 if ( ver !=  "The remote IIS server *seems* to be " ) security_note(port:port, data:ver);

# This script is Copyright (C) 2003 SensePost");
# Modification by David Maciejak
# <david dot maciejak at kyxar dot fr>
# based on 404print.c from Digital Defense

 script_version("$Revision: 1.14 $");
 name["english"] = "IIS Service Pack - 404";
 desc["english"] = "
The Patch level (Service Pack) of the remote IIS server appears to be lower 
than the current IIS service pack level. As each service pack typically
contains many security patches, the server may be at risk.

Caveat: This test makes assumptions of the remote patch level based on static 
return values (Content-Length) within the IIS Servers 404 error message.
As such, the test can not be totally reliable and should be manually confirmed.

Caveat2: To determine IIS6 patch levels a simple test is done based on strict RFC2616
compliance. It appears as if IIS6-SP1 will accept CR as an end of line marker instead of
both CR & LF.

Solution: Ensure that the server is running the latest stable Service Pack 
Risk factor : High";

 summary["english"] = "IIS Service Pack Check";
 script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2003 SensePost & Copyright (C) 2004 David Maciejak");

 family["english"] = "Web Servers";
 script_dependencie("find_service.nes", "http_version.nasl", "www_fingerprinting_hmap.nasl");
 script_require_ports("Services/www", 80);

# Check starts here

port = get_http_port(default:80);

sig = get_http_banner(port:port);
if ( sig && "IIS" >!< sig ) exit(0);
if(! get_port_state(port)) exit(0);
r1 = http_get(item:"/nessus" + rand(), port:port);

r  = http_keepalive_send_recv(data:r1, port:port);
if ( r == NULL ) exit(0);
if (!ereg(pattern:"^HTTP.* 404 .*", string:r))exit(0);

v4 = egrep(pattern:"^Server:.*Microsoft-IIS/4\.0", string:r);
v5 = egrep(pattern:"^Server:.*Microsoft-IIS/5\.0", string:r);
v51 = egrep(pattern:"^Server:.*Microsoft-IIS/5\.1", string:r);
v6 = egrep(pattern:"^Server:.*Microsoft-IIS/6\.0", string:r);

cltmp = eregmatch(pattern:".*Content-Length: ([0-9]+).*", string:r);
if (isnull(cltmp)) exit(0);

ver = string("The remote IIS server *seems* to be ");

#        if (102 == cl)
#                ver = ver + string("Microsoft IIS 4 - Sp0\n");		
#	if (451 == cl)
#		ver = ver + string("Microsoft IIS 4 - SP6\n");
#	if (461 == cl)
#		ver = ver + string("Microsoft IIS 4 - SP3\n");

#        if(111 == cl)
#		ver = ver + string("Microsoft IIS 5 - SP4\n");
	if(3243 == cl)
		ver = ver + string("Microsoft IIS 5 - SP0 or SP1\n");
        if(2352 == cl)
                ver = ver + string("Microsoft IIS 5 - SP2 or SRP1\n");
        if(4040 == cl)
                ver = ver + string("Microsoft IIS 5 - SP3 or SP4\n");

        if (1330 == cl)
                ver = ver + string("Microsoft IIS 5.1 - SP2\n");		
	if (4040 == cl)
		ver = ver + string("Microsoft IIS 5.1 - SP0\n");

        #if (2166 == cl)
                #ver = ver + string("Microsoft IIS 6.0 - SP0\n");		
	#if (1635 == cl)
		#ver = ver + string("Microsoft IIS 6.0 - w2k3 build 3790\n");

        a = string("HEAD / HTTP/1.0\n\r\n");
        soc = http_open_socket(port);
                send(socket:soc, data: a);
                r = recv(socket:soc, length:4096);
                if(r =~ "200 OK") ver = ver + string("Microsoft IIS 6.0 - SP1\n");
                if(r =~ "400 Bad Request") ver = ver + string("Microsoft IIS 6.0 - SP0\n");


if ( ver !=  "The remote IIS server *seems* to be " ) security_note(port:port, data:ver);

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