Hi All, After a long while I started playing again with the new GetFileversionEx() function (thanks N.) to grab the child structure info. Until now no luck with this. By adding this code after reading the file it only gives me output to "ret". "children" stays empty all the time ret = GetFileVersionEx(handle:fopen); debug_print("ret: ", ret, "\n"); if (!isnull(ret)) children = ret['StringFileInfo']; if (isnull(children)) { debug_print("Too bad... children is empty\n"); exit(0); } else debug_print("children: ", children, "\n"); CloseFile(handle:fopen); But viewing the same file with "smbshell.nbin" gives me this: The structure has children and my interest is at least the "ProductVersion" because dwFileVersionMS and dwFileVersionLS are zero. wLength: 896 wValueLength: 52 wType: 0 Value: dwSignature: 0xFEEF04BD dwStrucVersion: 0x00010000 dwFileVersionMS: 0x00000000 dwFileVersionLS: 0x00000000 dwProductVersionMS: 0x00000000 dwProductVersionLS: 0x00000000 dwFileFlagMask: 0x00000000 dwFileFlags: 0x00000000 dwFileOS: 0x00000004 dwFileType: 0x00000001 dwFileSubtype: 0x00000000 dwFileDateMS: 0x00000000 dwFileDateLS: 0x00000000 Children: VarFileInfo: Translation: 0x040904E4 StringFileInfo: 040904E4: LegalTrademark: All Rights Reserved. ProductVersion: Does anyone can show me the right way, and tell what I possible do wrong? --Ferdy-- _______________________________________________ Plugins-writers mailing list Plugins-writers@private http://mail.nessus.org/mailman/listinfo/plugins-writers
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