FC: Private firm helps jails post inmate listings, info on the Net

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Mon Sep 10 2001 - 22:38:22 PDT

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: German cops reportedly raid PDF pirate for copyright infringement"

    The private firm is called Eagle Law Enforcement Systems. It describes 
    itself on its website (www.eagle-us.com) as "an industry leader in 
    providing comprehensive jail and records management software to the police, 
    sheriff and corrections industries... With the addition of comprehensive 
    mugshot imaging, document imaging, signature capture, fingerprint capture, 
    and barcode scanner import modules, the Golden Eagle Inmate Management 
    System has become a force to be reckoned with in the correctional software 
    solutions market."
    Here's an Eagle-ware-created list of the people currently in the McCracken 
    County Jail in Paducah, KY (which also, oddly sells T-shirts via the Net):
    And here's the info on the Tehama County Detention Center in Red Bluff, CA:
    Also see:
    Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 20:56:12 -0700
    To: declanat_private
    From: Rick Prelinger <footageat_private>
    Subject: inmate listings and info online
    Please forgive and ignore if you know of this or have already reported on 
    it, but I was rather surprised and shocked to encounter this product -- a 
    website creation module for local jails, correctional facilities and other 
    agencies seeking to put their records online.
    The URL will link you to a number of current prison rosters, chock-full of 
    criminal history info and pictures of inmates, many of whom are awaiting 
    trial and unsentenced.
    You are free to repost this if you like.
    Rick Prelinger
    Rick Prelinger
    Prelinger Archives   http://www.prelinger.com
    P.O. Box 590622, San Francisco, Calif. 94159-0622
    +1 415 750-0445      Fax: +1 415 750-0607
    Internet Moving Images Archive: http://www.moviearchive.org
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