FC: Senate votes 96-1 for "USA Act" -- without Feingold's amendments

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Fri Oct 12 2001 - 07:54:27 PDT

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: Update on anti-terror bill: House about to vote on a *new* bill"

    Details of Feingold's unsuccessful amendments:
       Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wisconsin) had planned on introducing four
       privacy amendments to a bill widely viewed as anti-privacy. The debate
       ran from 9 pm to midnight on Thursday.
       The sequence went as follows for all the amendments:
       1. Feingold introduced an amendment to the USA Act
       2. Feingold, Wellstone, Cantwell spoke in favor of it
       3. Just about everyone else led by Hatch, Leahy, Daschle opposed it
       4. Daschle moved to table
       5. Just about everyone voted to table
       6. Goto Line 1
       The votes were:
       83-13 to table the "trespasser" snooping amendment
       90-7 to table roving wiretap limits
       89-8 to table subpoena limits
       Feingold never introduced his promised fourth amendment, which would
       have limited secret searches.
       In a series of votes ending at midnight Thursday, the U.S. Senate
       overwhelmingly defeated the last-ditch efforts by Sen. Russ Feingold
       (D-Wisconsin) to limit police surveillance powers.
       The Senate then voted 96-1 for the unaltered USA Act (PDF), which
       includes the biggest eavesdropping expansion in a generation. Feingold
       was the lone dissenter.
       Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) described Feingold's three amendments as
       "outdated and nonsensical." Hatch said "current law perversely gives
       the terrorist privacy rights.... We should not tie the hands of our
       law enforcement and help hackers and cyber-terrorists to get away."
       Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-South Dakota) said the USA Act
       was a "delicate but successful compromise" that provided adequate
       protection for civil liberties. Daschle said his opposition to
       Feingold's amendments was "not substantative but procedural" because
       the Senate needed to move quickly on the legislation.
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