FC: French activists urge opposition to anti-privacy, anti-crypto laws

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Tue Oct 16 2001 - 21:00:37 PDT

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: Duncan Frissell replies to NYT column bashing Silicon Valley"

    Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 23:38:11 +0200
    From: lagaduat_private
    Organization: Les Virtualistes
    Following this week-end message, here is an english version of an Open 
    Letter that has been sent to french Parlementaries and press by e-mail on 
    october 14th.
    With no real impact, as far as we know now. The amendments added to Daily 
    Security Law (Loi Sécurité Quotidienne_ LSQ), discussed at the Senate today 
    and tomorrow, have been re-enforced by the Right Group.
    There has been a consensus so that none of the political groups will 
    discuss it (even if the PC and PS groups say they feel bad about it). None 
    of them will weigh un-constitutionality in front of the Conseil 
    Constitutionnel, though it is a fact.
    LSIJolie.net has been trying these two last weeks to gather as many 
    informations as possible on the LSQ and similar law projects is US in other 
    european countries. LSQ is dealing with serious restrictions on civil 
    liberties (body -searches performed by private security guards, car and 
    home searches for any motive, wiretapping of telephone and internet 
    communications, defense experts decrypting suspect messages  out of any 
    judicial control etc ) and enforcing measures that all human rights and 
    individual liberties defense
    organisations were fighting against for a long time
    Please have a look on www.lsijolie.net.
    Feel free to use,  and distribute widely.
    Christine - lagaduat_private
    Collectif LSIJOlie
    Open letter to  french parlementaries
    The war fever triggered by the tragedy of September 11, is leading to
    enforcement of hasty anti-terrorist laws  denounced by defenders of human 
    rights and liberties - in the United States, in Europe, England , Germany, 
    France and other countries. In France, in order "to fight terrorism",  the 
    government is weighing a series of exceptional security amendements as part 
    of the "Loi Securite Quotidienne"  ("day-to-day security Law") in emergency 
    and in total infringement of the Constitution.
    The signatories of this open letter are more concerned about " defending
    democracy in the face of terrorism ". They are worried by the useless, 
    inefficient, and intrusive attacks on  individual and collective liberties 
    induced by the proposed amendements. They dread that the imperative of 
    security could be the pretext seized by some to pass strong  amendments, 
    opposed for a long time by associations for the defense of human rights and 
    individual liberties.
    Searches of vehicles and homes,  allowed by a magistrate for any motive, 
    private security guards allowed to perform bag and body-searches with no 
    judicial review, cross-examinations and confrontations at a distance, 
    surveillance and access to telephone and internet communication data, 
    including encrypted data, loss of judicial control on decryption "defense" 
    procedures, and denial of the right to anonymity and privacy of exchanges, 
    would leave the field open to arbitrary and discriminatory practices rather 
    than to the application of the law.
    Signatories especially  want to drag  the attention of representatives on
    the dangers of any amalgam between terrorism, immigration, civil protest
    movements, political opposition and petty crime, and on all abusive 
    utilization of these measures for other ends than the fight against terrorism.
    The signatories therefore ask parlementaries to urgently :
    - oppose voting for  inefficient emergency measures without  a true
    parliamentary debate and without their implications to be clearly 
    understood by public opinion .
    - oppose any measures or law extending the powers of investigatory and law
    enforcement authorities that would be adopted for an indeterminate period.
    - oppose procedures extending the powers of investigatory and law enforcement
    authorities that would have a retroactive effect.
    - insure that  all measures susceptible of infringing individual and
    collective liberties such as individual physical and moral integrity , freedom
    of opinion, right to anonymity and to privacy of all postal, telephone and
    electronic communications, remain under the strictest control of magistrates.
    October 10th 2001
    Signature on line : http://www.lsijolie.net/article.php3?id_article=68
    Contact : adminat_private
    First Signatories
    Collectif LSIJolie
    Réseau Voltaire pour la Liberté d'expression
    Souriez Vous êtes filmés
    Les Virtualistes
    Le Maquis
    Calle Luna
    Federation Anarchiste
    First Signatories
                                 Calle Luna
                                 Federation Anarchiste
                                 Collectif LSIJolie
                                 Le Maquis
                                 Réseau Voltaire pour la Liberté d'expression
                                 Souriez Vous êtes filmés
                                 Syndicat de la Magistrature
                                 Les Virtualistes
    Signature on line : http://www.lsijolie.net/article.php3?id_article=68
    Contact : adminat_private
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