FC: Sen. Byron Dorgan wants to keep the Net safe for tax collectors?

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Mon Oct 29 2001 - 09:52:36 PST

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: Stu Baker: Fox News goes overboard on Internet wiretap story"

    I've put the ad here:
    >The Internet tax moratorium expired on October 21. It did so because one 
    >U.S. Senator–Byron Dorgan, Democrat of North Dakota–blocked a vote on a 
    >House-passed bill that would have extended the ban on Internet taxes for 
    >two years. No voice has been stronger or clearer on the need to maintain 
    >the moratorium than that of the Center for Individual Freedom. When Dorgan 
    >obstructed extension of the moratorium, the Center ran an ad to identify 
    >that responsibility. In response, a Dorgan spokesman attacked the "center 
    >for misinformation" and, of course, added that the Senator opposes access 
    >taxes and new Internet taxes.
    From: "Jeff Mazzella" <jmazzellaat_private>
    To: "Declan McCullagh" <declanat_private>
    Subject: Center Holds Sen. Dorgan Accountable for Expiration of ITFA
    Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 11:52:27 -0400
    Organization: CFIF
    I thought you'd be interested in seeing the attached ad that we ran today 
    in the Washington Times (Page A6), informing the taxpayers to who's 
    responsible for allowing the Internet tax moratorium to expire.  If the 
    Senate doesn't act quickly, our Internet access bills will soon look like 
    our phone bills (taxed, taxed and taxed again).  When that happens, we can 
    all thank Senator Dorgan.
    Jeffrey Mazzella
    Vice President, Legislative Affairs
    Center for Individual Freedom
    901 N. Washington St., Suite 402
    Alexandria, VA 22314
    703-535-5838 (Fax)
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