FC: E.U. plans "suspected protester" database --Statewatch

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Mon Dec 03 2001 - 07:08:23 PST

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: Responses to IT revealed, Dean Kamen shows off mystery device"

    STATEWATCH, Press release, 3 December 2001
    Special report on:
    EU plans to extend the Schengen Information System (SIS) to:
    i) create EU database to target "suspected" protestors and bar
    them from entering a country where a protest is planned
    ii) create EU database of all "foreigners" to remove third country
    nationals who have not left within the "prescribed time frame"
    The Council of the European Union (the 15 EU governments) are
    discussing plans to create two new dedicated databases on the
    Schengen Information System (SIS). The first database would
    cover public order and protests and lead to: "Barring potentially
    dangerous persons from participating in certain events [where the
    person is] notoriously known by the police forces for having
    committed recognised facts of public order disturbance"
    "Targeted" suspects would be tagged with an "alert" on the SIS
    and barred from entry the country where the protest or event was
    taking place.
    The second database would be a register of all third country
    nationals in the EU who will be tagged with an "alert" if they
    overstay their visa or residence permit - this follows a call by the
    German government for the creation of a "centralised register".
    Both of these new databases are being put forward under the post-
    11 September "Anti-terrorism roadmap" (item 45 on the version of
    15.11.01, to "Improve input of alerts into the SIS").
    Tony Bunyan, editor of Statewatch, commented:
    "Under the post 11 September EU anti-terrorism plans we have the
    frightening prospect that details of suspected protestors and
    dissenters will be held by the Schengen Information System on
    one centralised, computerised EU-wide database and all
    "foreigners" held on another  and both are to be the subject of
    "targeted" action and/or surveillance. Protestors and "foreigners"
    are to be targeted as presenting primary "threats" to the internal
    security of the EU."
    see: <http://www.statewatch.org/news/2001/nov/19sis.htm>
    for full background analysis and documentation on post 11
    September developments which affects civil liberties please see:
    For further information: Statewatch office: (00 44) (0) 208 802 1882
    Tony Bunyan will be taking part in Press Conference in Brussels
    on Monday 3 December, 14.00 hours, at Centre de presse
    Résidence Palace, Rue de la Loi 155 1040 Bruxelles: "Les droits
    démocratiques ne doivent pas devenir les dommages collatéraux
    de la guerre contre le terrorisme": Jan FERMON, avocat au barreau
    de Bruxelles, Antoine COMTE, avocat au barreau de Paris, Ties
    PRAKKEN, avocat au barreau d'Amsterdam, professeur de droit
    pénal à l'université de Maastricht. Contact : Jan FERMON, 00 32 4
    754 41896.
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