FC: Department of the Interior pulls plug on all websites, email

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Sat Dec 08 2001 - 08:16:22 PST

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: Kevin Mitnick links up with prosecutor who put him in jail"

    Other coverage (the Washington Post was thorough but late):
       By Edward Walsh
       Washington Post Staff Writer
       Saturday, December 8, 2001; Page A04
       Responding to a court order, the Interior Department has cut itself
       off from the Internet, crippling the ability of Interior employees to
       communicate by e-mail and blocking access to information gathered by
       the department that is routinely used by other agencies and the
       The shutdown occurred Thursday afternoon on the order of U.S. District
       Judge Royce C. Lamberth, who is presiding over a long-running lawsuit
       alleging decades of mismanagement by the federal government in the
       handling of trust funds for American Indians.
       Lamberth earlier commissioned a computer security test that concluded
       trust fund accounts were vulnerable to manipulation by outside
       hackers. He then ordered the Interior Department to "immediately
       disconnect from the Internet all information technology systems that
       house or provide access to individual Indian trust data."
       The judge also ordered the disconnection of "all computers within the
       custody and control of the Department of the Interior, its employees
       and contractors that have access to individual Indian trust data."
       The Internet cutoff threw the Interior Department back to a time of
       communicating by telephone and paper documents. It left department
       employees without access to e-mail, an increasingly common form of
       communication within the government and between the government and the
       public. For example, Megan Durham, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Fish and
       Wildlife Service, said her agency now distributes almost all of its
       news releases electronically.
       The cutoff also shut down department Web sites, such as the National
       Park Service site, which are widely used by a public accustomed to
       easily accessing government information for research on a variety of
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