FC: FBI and Pentagon quiz Microsoft on Windows XP security flaw

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Sun Dec 23 2001 - 22:49:40 PST

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    "Microsoft fesses up to huge security breach in Windows 
    From: "Xeni Jardin" <xeniat_private>
    To: "Declan McCullagh" <declanat_private>
    Subject: FBI, DOD quiz Microsoft on XP's gaping security holes
    Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2001 16:55:05 -0800
    Apparently, DOD-ers fear XP-enabled Xmas DDOS-es. --XJ
    <<Several experts said they had already managed to duplicate within their
    research labs so-called ``denial of service'' attacks made possible by the
    Windows XP flaws. Such attacks can overwhelm Web sites and prevent their
    use by legitimate visitors.
    ``That was the one you'll more likely see over Christmas break,'' one
    participant said.
    Another risk, that hackers can implant rogue software on vulnerable
    computers, was considered more remote because of the technical
    sophistication needed.
    The FBI's cyber-security unit has been particularly worried lately about
    the threats from denial of service attacks. It warned again Thursday that
    it ``has reason to believe that the potential for (denial of service)
    attacks is high.''
    The FBI said people have indicated they plan to target the Defense
    Department's Web sites, as well as other organizations that support the
    nation's most important networks. >>
    Friday December 21 5:50 PM ET
    FBI, Pentagon Quiz Microsoft on XP
    By TED BRIDIS, Associated Press Writer
    WASHINGTON (AP) - FBI and Defense Department officials and some top
    industry experts sought reassurance Friday from Microsoft Corp. that a
    free software fix it offered effectively stops hackers from attacking
    major flaws discovered in the latest version of Windows.
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