FC: Surveillance news: Implantable microchips for humans, GPS tracking

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Mon Dec 24 2001 - 07:58:49 PST

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: William Safire on a national ID card: "Beware!""

    Here's the company, Applied Digital Solutions, denying -- just a few months 
    ago -- that they had any such plans:
    "We are not now developing, nor do we have any plans to develop, anything 
    other than an external, wearable device."
        By DAVID STREITFELD -- A Florida company is poised to become the first
        to sell microchips designed to be implanted into human beings, an
        achievement that opens the door to new systems of medical monitoring
        and ID screening.
        Implantable chips have long been discussed by technologists and
        denounced by those who object on religious grounds or fear their use
        by a totalitarian state. But the company that did the test, Applied
        Digital Solutions of Palm Beach, said the specter of terrorism is
        shifting attitudes. The direct union of man and computer is no longer
        dismissed out of hand.
        "The bottom line is, when people are trying to regain their peace of
        mind, they're more open to new approaches," said Keith Bolton, Applied
        Digital's chief technology officer.
        Applied Digital, which had revenue of $165 million last year, has made
        its mark by selling electronic chips that help farmers keep tabs on
        the health and safety of their cows and other livestock. The company
        also makes a monitoring bracelet for Alzheimer patients, so that
        families can use global positioning satellite systems to help find
        loved ones who might have wandered off.
    From: "Jack Dean" <JackDeanat_private>
    To: "Declan McCullagh" <declanat_private>
    Subject: Orange County [CA] to Track Sex Criminals With GPS
    Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2001 18:04:31 -0800
    Los Angeles Times
    December 23, 2001
    O.C. to Track Sex Criminals With GPS
    Probation: A satellite tracking system will help monitor freed offenders
    around the clock. Critics say the plan smacks of Big Brother.
    Orange County is taking what some civil libertarians consider troubling
    steps to keep tabs on released sex offenders, giving them periodic lie
    detector tests and, starting next year, requiring some to wear wristbands
    linked to satellite tracking systems.
    The county will become the first in the state, and one of only a dozen or so
    nationwide, to track sex offenders on parole and probation with global
    positioning satellites, which allow officials to pinpoint offenders'
    locations around the clock.
    Authorities said the tracking and lie detector tests represent powerful
    deterrents for offenders and could also tip off police to crimes the
    probationers might commit. "It is a controversial issue for us. But our
    primary concern is the protection of the community," said Bill Daniel,
    director of special operations for the Orange County Probation Department.
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