FC: Copy of Bill Gates' testimony in Microsoft antitrust case

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Mon Apr 22 2002 - 10:00:37 PDT

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: AOL, News Corp. to testify Thurs at House "digital content" hearing"

    Bill Gates is testifying today in the Microsoft antitrust case. Here's the 
    five-page executive summary:
    Here's the 163-page full version (1.1 MB):
    I've included some excerpts below. Even if you believe that Microsoft 
    should pay a price beyond what the Justice Department extracted in the 
    settlement, it's hardly obvious that the litigating states' proposal is a 
    good one. Their plan (which they hope the judge will approve) smacks of 
    something written by competitors out to advance their private interests, 
    not the public interest. The unintended consequences (or, cynically, the 
    intended ones) seem to be legion. See below.
    Previous Politech message:
    10. As explained in Section III, the NSPR would undermine the
    Windows platform, to the detriment of all who benefit from it, in many 
    different ways. In
    fact, the NSPR would hobble Microsoft as a competitor and innovator across 
    many product
    categories because many of its provisions are broadly worded to apply to 
    any Microsoft
    product, service, feature or technology.
    11. Aside from these concerns, it would be extremely difficult, if not
    impossible in some cases, for Microsoft to comply with the NSPR. Many key 
    aspects of
    the NSPR, particularly its definitions relating to "middleware," are vague 
    and ambiguous,
    providing Microsoft with no clear statement of its obligations. Other 
    aspects of the NSPR
    simply could not be feasibly implemented. Many provisions of the NSPR lead 
    to extreme
    results, but Microsoft would not have the freedom to construe the NSPR in 
    ways that we
    find less extreme. Microsoft is committed to complying fully with Court 
    orders, including
    any remedy that may be ordered in this case. We can do that only if the 
    remedy is clear as
    written and its terms feasible.
    We recognized that to make the Altair and other microprocessorbased
    devices useful, they were going to need software. I left college, and Paul 
    and I
    founded a company to develop great microprocessor software, which we called 
    It was not much of a business in its early years, just Paul, me and a small 
    group of
    developers we hired banging out code day and night in spartan offices in 
    New Mexico. But it was a labor of love.
    In short, if the Windows platform were to fragment, the primary
    value it provides—the ability to provide compatibility across a wide range 
    of software and
    hardware—would be lost. Windows would no longer offer an efficient platform 
    to ISVs
    because Windows would not consist of any single platform on which ISVs 
    could rely in
    developing applications. (See Demonstrative Exhibit 1.)
    70. As software programs became more costly to develop and offered
    fewer new innovations, consumers would have less incentive to buy new PCs. 
    The same
    "positive feedback loop" that propelled the PC industry to years' of steady 
    growth would
    work in reverse, causing the industry to stagnate as products became more 
    expensive to
    develop even as they provided fewer benefits and less interoperability.
    Over the years, Microsoft has worked to ensure that products from a
    variety of companies work well together. Indeed, I believe that Microsoft 
    has done more to
    promote interoperability among computer products than any other company in 
    In the software industry, some information
    about competitors' products is available, and other information is 
    protected by IP laws. If
    Microsoft's competitors were permitted to implement many of Microsoft's 
    innovations in
    their own products without regard to Microsoft IP rights, Microsoft would 
    have little it
    could uniquely offer the marketplace. No firm can do unique R&D in the 
    software industry
    absent significant IP protection for its work.
    There are three key aspects of the NSPR—the breadth of the covered
    product categories, the vagueness and ambiguity of many of its most 
    important provisions,
    and the feasibility of complying with various of its requirements—that are 
    alarming to me. I believe that these aspects of the NSPR would make it 
    extremely difficult
    for Microsoft to understand the requirements of the NSPR, to comply fully 
    with the
    requirements it does understand, and to continue to deliver new 
    technologies to the
    marketplace. In short, the practical effect of the NSPR would be to cripple 
    Microsoft as a
    technology company.
    Section 8 provides another important example of ambiguity in the
    NSPR, made worse by the very broad scope of the provision. Do the 
    non-settling States
    really mean that Microsoft should not take any action that directly or 
    indirectly adversely
    affects any third party based on the fact that the third party is competing 
    with Microsoft in
    any product category? That would seem to rule out ordinary business practices.
    Given the tightly integrated design of Windows and the complexity of the
    product, Microsoft cannot ensure that "the binary code for each Microsoft 
    Product" could be removed without degrading the rest of the operating 
    system. To the
    contrary, removing the binary code for "Microsoft Middleware Products" will 
    degrade the
    rest of the operating system—every function that depends upon the removed 
    software will
    Indeed, Microsoft would face an immediate crisis if the NSRP were
    entered because Section 1 would prohibit Microsoft from distributing any 
    Operating System Product after six months that does not comply with the 
    requirements of
    that section (unless an extension could be obtained from the Court). We 
    could not comply
    with Section 1 in six months for the following six reasons.
    231. Wholly apart from the many problems identified above, the pricing
    provisions of Section 1 would create a disincentive to developing improved 
    versions of
    Windows. Rather than earn a return on our substantial investment in 
    improving Windows,
    any improvements could result in a revenue loss to Microsoft. In fact, 
    under the pricing
    formula set forth in Section 1, the price of Windows could be zero. That 
    pricing regime
    also could not feasibly be implemented, for the reasons set forth below.
    At a minimum, every OEM would have a strong incentive to
    "remove" the "Browser" software from Windows, earn the price reduction that 
    would flow
    from our roughly $100 million in annual development costs for that software 
    (very roughly,
    15% of the cost of developing a desktop version of Windows), then add back 
    a free version
    of the exact same "Browser" software made available under the compulsory, 
    source code licenses for Internet Explorer provided under Section 12. Over 
    the ten year life
    of the NSPR, OEMs' perfectly rational decision to swap out then add back 
    "Browser" code would result in revenue loss to Microsoft of roughly $10 
    billion. Under
    such a pricing scheme, why would any rational business enterprise in 
    Microsoft's position
    continue to invest in Web browser innovation, whether as part of Windows or 
    from Windows?
    272. Over the long-term, modifications to Windows by individual OEMs
    acting in their short-term self interest would present a classic tragedy of 
    the commons
    problem. Just as a lake that is fished too heavily soon will support no 
    one, the PC
    ecosystem as a whole will suffer if the stability and consistency of 
    Windows is not
    maintained, for the reasons I discussed above. When PCs become less 
    reliable because the
    quality of Windows has been compromised, when consumers must undergo 
    retraining to
    operate different brands of PCs because of differences in their user 
    interfaces, when
    applications written for one version of Windows will not run on another 
    version, the entire
    PC ecosystem will suffer.
    Free Access to Microsoft Source Code. Like most other commercial
    software vendors, Microsoft generally seeks to limit access to its source 
    code. Source code
    reveals product innovations. For example, a competitor who is free to 
    review Microsoft's
    source code (as Section 4.c permits under the misleading heading 
    "Compliance") will see
    the architecture, data structures, algorithms and other key aspects of the 
    relevant Microsoft
    product. That will make it much easier to copy Microsoft's innovations, 
    which is why
    commercial software vendors generally do not provide source code to rivals.
    324. Third, Section 4 would make it hard for Microsoft to develop new
    versions of Windows—especially when read in conjunction with Section 5. 
    Creating a
    new version of Windows to improve performance and fix bugs requires writing 
    a lot of new
    code, which eliminates many internal interfaces and changes others. Under 
    Section 4,
    however, such interfaces would have been disclosed, and third party 
    software developers
    may have relied on them. If Microsoft changes the interfaces, software 
    programs that rely
    on them will no longer operate properly, which would make Windows less 
    appealing as a
    platform and trigger potential violations of Section 5.
    341. Here are just a few examples of beneficial business contracts that
    apparently would be banned by Section 6.a.:
    ·  Microsoft's online service, MSN, provides co-marketing money
    to a retailer to promote the MSN service on "end caps" on store
    shelves. The retailer is "restricted" from promoting competing
    online services on end caps—that is the placement for which
    Microsoft is paying.
    ·  Retailers may promote Microsoft's game console with
    advertisements stating that a hot new game is available "only on
    Xbox." Microsoft's agreement with the game ISV "restricts" the
    ISV from offering its game for a period of time on competing
    game consoles.
    ·  To improve its home publishing software, Microsoft may obtain
    rights from a third party to include a collection of "clip art" in the
    next version of Microsoft's publishing product. The agreement
    "restricts" the third party from offering the same clip art
    collection for use in a competing publishing product for a period
    of time.
    ·  Microsoft and an ISV jointly develop new technology. The joint
    venture agreement "restricts" the ISV for a period of time from
    developing competing technology.
    355. Section 8 could be read to ban Microsoft from competing in any
    product category. I know such a ban would not be reasonable, and yet that 
    is what the
    language of Section 8 appears to provide for.
    356. It states that Microsoft may not take (or threaten) any action that
    directly or indirectly adversely affects anyone based directly or 
    indirectly, in whole or in
    part, on any actual or contemplated use, distribution, promotion, support, 
    etc. of any non-Microsoft product, service, feature or technology (not 
    limited to
    middleware). Under this broad provision, nearly any act of competition 
    could be seen as an
    adverse act. Competing means attempting to maximize sales, which often 
    entails taking
    sales from a rival (adversely affecting them). At the very least, Microsoft 
    would have no
    comfort that routine business acts would not violate Section 8.
    399. Section 12 would also require Microsoft to provide AOL (and the
    rest of the industry) with the source code for MSN Explorer 6.0 and its 
    successors. MSN
    Explorer 6.0 is innovative software that makes it easy and enjoyable to use 
    MSN family of Web sites (links are available via www.msn.com). [...]
    401. Reducing Microsoft's incentive to innovate would reduce
    competition in Web browsing software. Why would AOL continue development of 
    its own
    Web browsing software if Microsoft's technology were available free of 
    charge, with rights
    to all improvements (assuming Microsoft made any) for the next ten years?
    428. The availability of a reasonably good, low-priced version of Office
    running on non-Microsoft operating systems would severely hurt Microsoft's 
    system business by putting it at a very big price disadvantage. For all the 
    R&D that
    Microsoft puts into its operating system technology, the economics of the 
    business are such
    that we generate revenue of only about $70 per Windows unit. We generate 
    revenue of
    roughly $150 to $275 for each user of Office. (As is customary in the 
    software industry,
    royalty rates for Office vary considerably by version, volume licensed, and 
    channel of
    distribution.) That means that a computer user that wanted to run a version 
    of Office would
    have to consider if he or she was willing to pay an additional $150 to 
    $275—as much as
    three times the price of Windows itself—in order to do so on Microsoft's 
    version of
    Windows. Microsoft could not simply reduce the price of Office to match or 
    beat the price
    of the non-Microsoft Office version because we would generate insufficient 
    revenue to
    support new R&D on the product.
    433. In addition to requiring Microsoft to auction off its Office technology
    to three bidders, Section 14 would require Microsoft to continue to invest, 
    for ten years, in
    developing new versions of Office for the Apple's Mac OS, with "features 
    consistent with
    Microsoft Office for Windows." Section 14 would obligate Microsoft to 
    invest its
    resources in this way without regard to the economic or technical viability 
    of doing so.
    434. For example, if the Apple Macintosh platform were to lose share in
    the future—a possibility that cannot be ruled out given Apple's "near 
    death" experience in
    the mid-1990s—it would be economically inefficient for Microsoft to 
    continue to invest in
    building applications for the platform. Other changes in business 
    circumstances, such as a
    decision by Apple to focus on customer segments that generate little demand 
    for business
    productivity software, might also render it economically unviable to 
    continue to build new
    versions of Office for the Mac. A lot can happen over ten years.
    450. Microsoft has a strong track record both in supporting industry
    standards in its software and in contributing to the development of 
    industry standards.
    Microsoft's products provide state-of-the-art support for dozens of 
    important standards,
    enabling developers to make use of them in their products with little 
    effort. In the area of
    Internet standards alone, we provide excellent implementations of TCP/IP, 
    HTTP, FTP,
    others. (See Appendix A.) Our implementation of these standards in Windows 
    interoperability between Windows and non-Microsoft software, both platforms and
    456. Third, Section 16 would require Microsoft to "fully" implement
    standards even before they have been finalized and adopted by a 
    Standard-Setting body.
    Yet before finalization, standards are in flux, with various proponents of 
    the standard
    debating the virtues of one approach or another.
    457. Fourth, Section 16 would require that Microsoft "fully" implement a
    "Standard" when (i) it is merely under consideration by a Standard-Setting 
    Body, (ii) once
    it is adopted, and (iii) as "modified from time to time." Nothing in 
    Section 16 grants
    Microsoft time to develop new implementations to meet changing 
    specifications for a
    standard and nothing states which products must comply with the standard.
    458. Fifth, Section 16 fails to distinguish between bona fide standardsetting
    bodies, such as the Internet Engineering Task Force or the World Wide Web
    Consortium, and ad hoc groups associated with particular companies or 
    industry alliances,
    such as the Java Community Process (which Section 22.kk explicitly includes 
    in the
    definition of "Standard-Setting Body"). The Java Community Process is a 
    group organized
    by Sun to obtain feedback on Sun's proprietary Java technology and promote that
    technology. Sun retains veto control. It is not a true industry 
    Standard-Setting Body.
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