FC: Retirement home resident denounces jailed journalist Paul Trummel

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Sun Jun 09 2002 - 22:59:14 PDT

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: Jake Baker all over again: Student charged for writing porn story"

    Also, Bruce Johnson from Davis Wright Tremaine (an excellent law firm that 
    represented Politech when threatened by Kirkland, Washington) sends along 
    this link:
    Previous Politech message:
    I'm sending along the below message not for the truth of the statements -- 
    I  hardly believe that Paul is a sociopath or anything more than someone 
    who writes his mind. I'm including it so Politech readers can see what kind 
    of allegations are being made and how this may have influenced the judge's 
    To: declanat_private
    From: aufargisat_private
    Subject: Fwd: paul trummel
    Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2002 21:17:05 -0700 (PDT)
    ------- Start of forwarded message -------
    Subject: paul trummel
    From: aufargisat_private
    Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2002 15:13:45 -0700 (PDT)
    To: declanat_private
    Mr. Declan McCullagh
    It is obvious that you have not examined Paul Trummel's
    case with the appropriate seriousness it demands. It is
    clear that your piece on the Internet is solely based
    on the proposition that Paul Trummel, being a holder of
    a Press Card issued by a large international
    organization and a self-proclaimed free lance writer,
    is by definition innocent of any charges of harassment
    brought against him as if, the concept of freedom of
    expression places any "professional" scribe above the
    needs and demands of a morally discriminating society.
    As if the civil liberties of journalists should not be
    based on the obedience of the law. As if the ethical
    and moral rules of conduct of "journalists" should be
    written as he or she goes along.
    The overheated treatment of the Paul Trummel affair by
    the so called, "Internet Media" not only lacks
    intellectual reflectiveness but is filled with
    partiality and incompleteness. It is tendentious and
    apologetic and more often than not, flamboyant and
    self-serving. The implicit and unavoidable idea behind
    what has been aired in the Web is that ethical and
    moral rules do not apply to those writing in the
    It has always been my conviction that any professional
    journalist would submit facts to valid corroborations.
    At least twice. May I recommend that you inform
    yourself a bit more  about Paul Trummel so you may be
    able to preserve the necessary objectivity of your
    The following may be of some help.
    Paul Trummel is already a free man.
    Free to think and act as his conscience dictates and to
    face the clear and undivided responsibilities that his
    presumed journalistic profession demands. His liberty
    however, is not in the hands of Judge Doerty but in his
    own. He is in jail because he violated a Court Order
    that commanded  him to remove the NAMES AND PERSONAL
    ADDRESSES  of the Staff and Board of Directors of
    Council House from his Web site.
    He WAS NOT ordered to shut down his Web site. He WAS
    NOT ordered to stop publishing his views. His Freedom
    of Speech was not ever questioned by the Court. This
    order was issued by Judge Doerty with the intent to
    protect the privacy of those against whom Paul Trummel
    leveled the most absurd and unfounded accusations.
    Accusations that were and are demonstrably and
    factually untrue. A sensible and reasoned protection. A
    protection that even Paul Trummel could expect from our
    ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES, this simple aphorism seems
    to be beyond the reach of Paul Trummel's comprehension.
    His stay in jail is the consequence of his actions,
    actions for which he is solely responsible.
    Paul Trummel's belligerence is evidenced by his
    malignant rants, hyperbolic tone, stylistic tics, high
    voltage style,  vitriolic genre, obfuscatory rhetorical
    tactics  and Marxoid content, (an organ grinder has
    more variety than his prose) all this hides the paltry
    and baleful narcissism of a man desperately attempting
    to invent a persona who never existed.
    Paul Trummel is a delusional man who believe in his own
    fantasies about himself and his writing, full of
    conspiracies themes, reflect a profoundly damaged
    In some occasions Paul Trummel has posed as a retired
    Professor of Rhetoric, in other occasions as a
    Professor of Journalism and as a retired London
    Journalist. Unfortunately it would impossible to anyone
    to find a university (here or abroad) were Paul Trummel
    may have held such positions, and LEXIS/NEXIS seems to
    have ignored Paul Trummel's journalistic work. This
    "journalist" has systematically refused to interview
    any one of those against whom he directed his wrath.
    The management of Council House and the members of the
    Board of Directors would have gladly spoke with this
    "journalist" and most certainly answered all of his
    question, unfortunately this opportunity was always
    denied to them. What Paul Trummel calls journalism is
    not journalism; it is hubris.
    Indeed, Paul Trummel has a Press Card but possession of
    a Press Card does not necessarily makes one a
    journalist. Paul Trummel's Press Card suggestively
    points to the decline of objectivity and seriousness of
    the organization(s) that have issued one to this man.
    Societies are constantly revising their moral
    principles in order to improve their ability to
    regulate behavior, this is a rule that should also
    guide those who issue Press Card and those who practice
    journalism. Paul Trummel behavior negates this sound
    and elementary proposition however, in a knew jerk
    reaction, he is been treated as a victim by some
    members of the Internet media. Then again, these are
    self-policing associations with, it seems, extremely
    flexible ethical rules that apparently do not insist
    upon the element of trust, the desirability of
    self-restraint and the moral obligation as well the
    ethical vision required for the exercise of this, once
    noble, profession. These are principles essential to
    the public welfare, the same public welfare that the
    media pretend to speak on behalf of.
    By any reasonable standard one may wish to judge Paul
    Trummel, one must understand that Paul Trummel views
    his Press Card as a license to offend, abuse,
    intimidate and demean others. His anti-Semitic impulse,
    his homophobic compulsion, his hatred of minorities and
    Muslims in particular can easily be detected in his
    rantings. Paul Trummel is well know by the Seattle
    Chapter of the American civil Liberties Union who
    refuses to intervene in his favor.
    Symptomatic of his character, Pal Trummel steadfastly
    omits to mention in his writings the fact that, having
    made  terrible indictments and the most egregious
    accusations against Council House, he was the cause  of
    a series of audits from different state agencies and
    that IN EVERY instance Council House received a clean
    bill of health.
    It should be noted that Paul Trummel's odyssey in life
    is filled with conflicts with University Presidents,
    Department Chairmen, Provosts, District Attorneys and
    Professors. A visit to the records of the King County
    Court House in Washington State will show to anyone
    interested in it that Paul Trummel is nothing more than
    litigious buffoon and that this is not his first
    eviction. Twenty Seven people, of very respectable
    social standing,(University Professors, lawyers,
    Department Chairmen, District Attorneys, etc) having no
    relation whatsoever with Council House, have
    volunteered to sign Amicus Curia showing Paul Trummel's
    compulsive litigiousness, a compulsiveness that on
    innumerable occasions has caused grief.
    Paul Trummel is a sociopath with an uncontrollable
    compulsion to demonize anyone with whom he may
    disagree, unfortunately, this sociopath holds a Press
    Card and the narcissistic intellectual arrogance of the
    journalism industry may make him a victim of censorship
    instead of denying him, in the name of Respect for The
    Press, the right to terrorize honest, decent hard
    working people.
    Felippe Jacques
    a Council House Resident
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