FC: Feds face "pervasive weakness" in homeland IT security, GAO says

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 22:26:08 PDT

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    Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 18:32:39 -0400
    From: Mich Kabay <mkabayat_private>
    Subject: GAO Critical Infrastructure Protection report
    Sender: Mich Kabay <mkabayat_private>
    Critical Infrastructure Protection: Significant Homeland Security
    Challenges Need to Be Addressed"
    < http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d02918t.pdf >
    by Robert F. Dacey
    Director, Information Security Issues
    U.S. General Accounting Office
    Released Tuesday 9 July 2002
    Testimony presented before the Subcommittee on Oversight and
    Committee on Energy and Commerce,
    U.S. House of Representatives
    Highlights (quoted from document):
    As proposed, the functions of the Information Analysis and
    Infrastructure Protection division would include receiving and
    analyzing law enforcement and intelligence information, assessing
    cyber and physical vulnerabilities of critical infrastructures, and
    taking measures to protect them.
    The consolidation of these six organizations into a single division,
    if properly implemented, could result in combining similar functions,
    thereby avoiding duplication and possibly creating more robust
    capabilities. For example, analysis and warning of cyber incidents is
    currently performed by both the National Infrastructure Protection
    Center and the Federal Computer Incident Response Center. However,
    prior GAO work has identified and made recommendations concerning
    several critical infrastructure protection challenges that need to be
    addressed, which would face the new department. Specifically, they
    *  Developing a national critical infrastructure protection strategy.
    *  Improving analytical and warning capabilities.
    *  Improving information sharing.
    *  Addressing pervasive weaknesses in federal information security.
    M. E. Kabay, PhD, CISSP -- AssocProf Information Assurance
    Dept CompInfoSys, Norwich University, Northfield VT
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