FC: Public Knowledge replies to my column on geektivism

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Thu Aug 15 2002 - 21:37:08 PDT

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: Politech on hiatus through next week"

    Slashdot posted a response to my geektivism column this evening:
    It's from Public Knowledge, a group I profiled in an earlier column:
    The geektivism column in question:
    The text of Public Knowledge's reply is below. It makes some good points, 
    but includes some misstatements too. It says, "No amount of good code can 
    overcome harmful laws and bad policy." Of course good code can do just 
    that: Even if wiretaps are omnipresent, encryption can keep our 
    conversations safe. If it is illegal to publish certain information, 
    anonymous remailers provide a way to do so anyway. True anonymous digital 
    cash is another disruptive technology. If inventing future technologies 
    makes it more difficult for governments to levy high taxes and enforce laws 
    banning consensual activities, well, that's a far more dramatic change than 
    we can ever hope to accomplish through the political process.
    In other words, I trust the laws of mathematics more than I trust laws 
    created by politicians.
    Obviously, as I said earlier (http://www.politechbot.com/p-03889.html), I 
    don't recommend giving up on all forms of non-coding activism. But let's 
    evaluate the costs and benefits, and recognize when our efforts could be 
    better spent elsewhere.
        August 13, 2002
        Geeks in Government: A Good Idea?
        A Response to Declan McCullagh: Political Participation for Geeks is a
        The notion that cybergeeks should stay out of the political process
        and stick only to writing code is a misguided idea that could have
        damaging consequences. In the past, tech activists may not always have
        effectively organized or expressed their opinions, but now that our
        ability to use technology as we intended is under attack, there is no
        better time to change this.
        Writing code and taking political action are not logical opposites
        when it comes to protecting freedoms. You need one to do the other.
        For example, take the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The code that
        would allow someone to play a DVD on my GNU/Linux operating system
        already exists - but it is illegal under that law. Any code that gets
        written to do the same job is going to be illegal under the DMCA.
        Political action to repeal or amend the DMCA is the *only* route for
        No amount of good code can overcome harmful laws and bad policy.
        Public Knowledge Board Member Larry Lessig has made this abundantly
        clear. Code, law and the future health of programming must be
        compatible. Geeks are the best people to help lawmakers understand the
        impact of bad technology laws and policy.
        Declan is right in one sense - geeks sending a bunch of flaming emails
        to lawmakers is not going to work: that is one reason why Public
        Knowledge exists. We are organizing real and effective political
        participation that lawmakers can understand - sophisticated geek
        knowledge and understanding is a critical part of this process.
        Public Knowledge makes it easier to participate politically. The ten
        minutes it takes to sign up on our mailing list, make a donation, or
        participate in a campaign isn't going to mean you don't write a piece
        of amazing freedom-producing software. You can take political action
        and you can write code.
        Public Knowledge is taking on the task of turning geek activism into
        effective policy action. Here is how we propose to do it:
        *Over the next few months, we are going to launch technology to
        organize and consolidate grassroots activity on policy issues
        affecting copyright and technology. The idea here is to build a true
        grassroots movement on these issues. When real people in large numbers
        organize to make their voices heard, Congress listens - legislation
        regulating tobacco and campaign finance reform are just two examples
        where the American people have won over large corporate interests.
        *Public Knowledge will continue to work with and organize other
        important constituencies. We are already working with the libraries,
        educators, scientific researchers, artists, musicians, writers and
        representatives from the consumer electronics, retail and tech
        industries to strengthen our political clout.
        *Public Knowledge has hired a new Public Policy Director with over
        fourteen years of substantial legal and Hill experience related to
        technology. He will continue, and strengthen, Public Knowledge's
        day-to-day policy advocacy activity in the halls of Congress, in
        administrative agencies and in the press.
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