FC: Reply to "How bad is the Digital Millennium Copyright Act?"

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 21 2002 - 10:05:17 PDT

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: Civil libs, bookstores investigate USA Patriot surveillance"

    Previous Politech message:
    Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 15:08:21 -0400
    Subject: The DMCA's potential impact on computer science research
    From: Peter Harsha <harshaat_private>
    To: <declanat_private>
    For Politech, if you'd like. In response to your column on DMCA at News.com.
    Copy also sent to lettersat_private
    Peter Harsha
    Declan McCullagh misses the boat at least twice in his August 19th
    column concerning the potential impact on computer science research of
    the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ["Debunking DMCA myths," c|net
    News.Com, http://news.com.com/2010-12-950229.html].
    First, the DMCA has two arms: one that prohibits devices that circumvent
    copy protection, and one that prohibits acts of circumvention.  The
    research conducted by Professor Felten and his colleagues took place
    prior to the time when the "acts of circumvention" provisions became
    effective in October 2000.  Thus, these provisions did not apply to that
    research.  However, there is little doubt in the legal community that
    this research, and similar research, would be illegal under the "acts of
    circumvention" provisions.  Declan fails to recognize this arm of the
    DMCA in his column.
    Second, the chilling effect of the DMCA cannot be described by the
    probability of conviction alone.  One must also consider the magnitude
    of the exposure if convicted.  Because the "acts of circumvention"
    provisions of the DMCA were not in effect at the time of the Felten
    research, the probability of an adverse judgment was indeed small.
    However, a group of highly respected legal consultants told Felten's
    employer that the cost of an adverse judgment could be truly enormous.
    The combination of these two factors had a very substantial chilling
    effect.  (It is also the case that two individuals were likely to lose
    their jobs if the paper was published.  This illustrates the human
    dimension of the chilling effect.)
    Other issues, on which we shall not elaborate, include the
    anti-dissemination provisions of the DMCA, and the civil (in addition to
    criminal) provisions.
    It is disruptive to the progress of research when scientists must first
    consult with attorneys to determine if previously legitimate research
    might be in violation of the DMCA.  We are happy to agree with Declan
    that "The DMCA is ... an egregious law ... and should be unceremoniously
    tossed out by the courts."
    Edward W. Felten
    Princeton University
    Edward D. Lazowska
    University of Washington; Co-chair, Computing Research Association
    Government Affairs Committee
    Barbara Simons
    Co-chair, ACM US Public Policy Committee
    (Forwarded by)
    Peter Harsha
    Director of Government Affairs
    Computing Research Association
    1100 17th St, NW Suite 507
    Washington, DC 20036-4632
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