FC: More on the ugly truth about Republican "conservatives"

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Sat Oct 12 2002 - 07:48:03 PDT

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    The "Architecture Of Modern Political Power" is here:
    Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 12:54:15 -0500
    From: [deleted -DBM]
    To: declanat_private
    Subject: Re: FC: The ugly truth about Republican "conservatives," by Kevin Tuma
    This might be a good time to refer (or re-refer?)cerebral readers to
    the "Architecture Of Modern Political Power" AMPP
    which, by the way, refers to your list in several
    places on that online book.. I reckon you might know
    the author.
    Perhaps you sent that reference out in the past, but
    as a new reader I haven't seen it.  The AMPP definitively
    dispells myths such as this, and exposes the mechanisms
    and intentions of such bait and the ensuing flailing..
    Clinton was an uber socialist with the same motives and
    backers as the current skull and bonehead crew.
    They're lookin' to do the gun grab thing here soon..
    lets see what happens..
    No need to forward my name or address any further
    though... :-) bein' an employee in the military
    industrial complex
    Subject: Re: FC: The ugly truth about Republican "conservatives," by Kevin
    From: Ryan Marsh <meat_private>
    To: declanat_private
    Date: 11 Oct 2002 14:46:59 -0500
    Declan, what a wonderful article. Having been raised a "Conservative
    Republican" I can't agree more. The Conservatism my father taught me,
    what I recognized in Reagan (though he made mistakes too), what I saw as
    a young boy in the local leaders that we helped elect, and what I
    learned protesting with my father, is not the GOP party. I grew up
    thinking I was a Republican because I thought I saw Conservatism in the
    Republican party. My father and the local men and women we helped elect
    were Constitutional Conservatives in the strongest sense of the word.
    They worshiped the Bill of Rights, The Constitution, and the ideals of
    our Founding Fathers. I also thought I was a Republican because I feared
    the special interest whoring I saw in the Democrat party. The Democrats,
    I thought, were socialists, and worse, they would rather us be
    subjugated to the U.N. become a police state and lose our sovereignty. I
    see now that my own party is just as big a whore (but to rich cronies),
    and is nothing short of Nationalistic and dis-compassionate. Don't get
    me started on the reason why no Judge in my county will run on a
    Democrat ticket. I also see that the GOP is socialist too. Look at our
    health care industry, it's a managed economy with a handful in control.
    It's an oligopoly instead of being owned by the gov't, and it's enforced
    by Republican legislators.
    I've seen over the past few years my entire family grow to resent the
    GOP just as much as we do Democrats. Kevin is right, "the most
    conservative Americans around today are libertarians".
    Humans are the unfortunate result of a local maximum in the
    fitness landscape.
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