FC: Rich Kulawiec on Apple, MS, Adobe, HP, Intel oppose fixing DMCA

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Wed Mar 05 2003 - 05:24:50 PST

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: More on U.S. plan to bug U.N. Security Council revealed"

    Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2003 19:07:35 -0500
    From: Rich Kulawiec <rskat_private>
    To: Declan McCullagh <declanat_private>
    Subject: Re: FC: Apple, Microsoft, Adobe, HP, Intel oppose bill fixing DMCA
    Message-ID: <20030305000735.GA2951at_private>
    References: <>
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    On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 at 06:13:51PM -0500, Declan McCullagh wrote:
     > "The technology industry has proliferated like no other industry due to the
     > rapid creation of new and innovative means of meeting consumer expectations
     > and enhanced productivity.  And this legacy continues even while consumer
     > expectations expand with every new and conceivable application of
     > technology.  Any weakening of the laws that promote continued innovation
     > and needed protections for copyright owners will ultimately stifle industry
     > growth and limit consumer choices.
    Translation: "We are watching open-source eat the fat cats of the software
    industry for breakfast and we are scared out of our minds about what it
    will do when it sits down for lunch.  We are completely unprepared to
    compete with the 'college-kid hackers', as we dismissively like to label
    them, who are not wasting their time with shrink-wrap and terms-of-use and
    licenses and crippleware and spyware like we are, but who are actually
    writing solid stuff that's usable in the real world to do real work.
    When they get around to application areas like CRM and supply-chain,
    we will be totally fucked.  So we are looking for any means possible to
    prevent them from entering our market space, and the DMCA is a good club
    for us to use, thanks to our huge legal teams who stand ready to crush
    anybody with the audacity to write software and give it away.  We stand
    shoulder-to-shoulder with the RIAA and the MPAA in our willingness to
    criminalize any behavior that threatens our obscene profits, or which
    penalizes us in any way for our complete failure to anticipate changing
    market conditions, new technology, or overwhelming dissatisfaction with
    the crap we're selling."
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