[I thank Robert for his courteous reply, though I note he chose not to answer my question about why Mail-block.com has no posted privacy policy or terms of service agreement on its home page or signup screen. Without that kind of assurance, Mail-block.com could have the right to spam everyone who emails its customers (like some other services recently have done, grrr). Previous Politech message: http://www.politechbot.com/p-04699.html --Declan] --- From: "Robert At Directpop" <robertat_private> To: "Declan McCullagh" <declanat_private> Subject: Re: Email a Mail-block.com customer, get an advertisement Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 08:45:23 -0400 I would love to answer any and all of your questions. I invite you to contact me directly by phone or email. We have placed the Mail-Block Service with several ISP Services and web based email services now. We are setting up several corporations now to use it for their corporate solution. I can honestly say that in the beginning most people did not know what to do with the bounce message and how to get their email to the person they were sending it to. We have done some education on this issue with our customers and they in turn have explained to the people that will be sending them a message for the first time what to expect. It seems not to be much of an issue now and we are seeing more and more people now signing up for the email only service. Before we offered the email only service people were signing up for our national ISP and paying the monthly fee and not using the dialup because they had cable or DSL. To date there has not been a successful attack on the people that use this system because of the design. What this system will do is stop the mountains of people that want to block IP addresses and self appoint themselves as the Internet Police. They hurt all of us by imposing their views on everyone and destroying the growth of the Internet with their terrorist tactics. Here is a story that just hit a couple of days ago. http://www.nytimes.com/2003/04/29/technology/29SPAM.html?ex=1052280000&en=edd6db2e3c97b37c&ei=5062&partner=GOOGLE In closing, most companies do list the name or information on their product so when someone see the product or service they know what it is called and how to get it. Sometimes I wonder if the people on the web that feel there should not be money made from the web think that Cisco, Dell and Telcoms that provide bandwidth give their products for free, the money has to come from someone to pay for it! If companies did not charge for services or products, you my friend would have no voice, because, no one where be here to listen. Think about it! We always want to hear from customers on how we can make this service better, if you have some suggestions please let us know. Again, I invite you to call me directly. robertat_private Robert Craddock 386-253-8703 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITECH -- Declan McCullagh's politics and technology mailing list You may redistribute this message freely if you include this notice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- To subscribe to Politech: http://www.politechbot.com/info/subscribe.html This message is archived at http://www.politechbot.com/ Declan McCullagh's photographs are at http://www.mccullagh.org/ Like Politech? Make a donation here: http://www.politechbot.com/donate/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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