[Politech] How Diebold may hack the vote, by Paul Krugman

From: Declan McCullagh (declan@private)
Date: Wed Dec 03 2003 - 06:14:49 PST

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    Hack the Vote
    December 2, 2003
    Inviting Bush supporters to a fund-raiser, the host wrote, "I am committed 
    to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year." No 
    surprise there. But Walden O'Dell — who says that he wasn't talking about 
    his business operations — happens to be the chief executive of Diebold 
    Inc., whose touch-screen voting machines are in increasingly widespread use 
    across the United States.
    For example, Georgia — where Republicans scored spectacular upset victories 
    in the 2002 midterm elections — relies exclusively on Diebold machines. To 
    be clear, though there were many anomalies in that 2002 vote, there is no 
    evidence that the machines miscounted. But there is also no evidence that 
    the machines counted correctly. You see, Diebold machines leave no paper trail.
    Representative Rush Holt of New Jersey, who has introduced a bill requiring 
    that digital voting machines leave a paper trail and that their software be 
    available for public inspection, is occasionally told that systems lacking 
    these safeguards haven't caused problems. "How do you know?" he asks.
    What we do know about Diebold does not inspire confidence. The details are 
    technical, but they add up to a picture of a company that was, at the very 
    least, extremely sloppy about security, and may have been trying to cover 
    up product defects.
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