[Politech] Unions plan to inject outsourcing of tech jobs into campaign

From: Declan McCullagh (declan@private)
Date: Sat Jan 24 2004 - 10:03:02 PST

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    Union activists are planning to inject the controversial topic of
    overseas outsourcing of technology jobs into the 2004
    presidential race.
    The Democratic presidential contenders already have been trading barbs
    over the loss of U.S.-based manufacturing jobs. At debates last week
    in Iowa and on National Public Radio, the Democratic hopefuls sparred
    over who had the best solutions, with Dennis Kucinich painting himself
    as the most radical opponent of free trade, which he believes is "a
    disaster for our economy." ...
    "At this point, the presidential candidates seem only to be grasping
    that jobs in the manufacturing sector are going overseas," said Marcus
    Courtney, a union organizer with the Washington Alliance of Technology
    Workers, part of the Communications Workers of America. "They don't
    seem to grasp that the economy has changed and that service jobs at
    every level, including highly paid engineering jobs, are going
    overseas just like the manufacturing jobs did." ...
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