[Politech] Are terrorists using encryption to cloak their secrets? [priv]

From: Declan McCullagh (declan@private)
Date: Tue Feb 03 2004 - 10:44:02 PST

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    Date: Mon,  2 Feb 2004 10:20:36 -0500
    From: "Matthew S. Hamrick" <mhamrick@private>
    To: jya@private, declan@private
    Subject: Are Terrorists Using Crypto?
    Once again I've had to defend the domestic use of encryption technology. My
    latest "opinion" is at
    http://www.cryptonomicon.net/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=645 . I
    don't know if it's of any value to either of you guys, but I thought I would
    pass it along anyway.
    -Matt H.
    One Ringtone to rule them all, one Carrier to find them,
    One Phone to bring them all and to the Service Contract bind them.
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