[Politech] Robin Miller's eyewitness account of the Linux monopoly trial

From: Declan McCullagh (declan@private)
Date: Tue Feb 03 2004 - 20:04:18 PST

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    [For the parallels to be closer, you'd have to have a biased and 
    not-too-bright judge who decided from day one to side with the Justice 
    Department, which in turn was bringing a case on behalf of politically 
    well-connected firms that had been failing to compete in the marketplace 
    but that chose not to spend shareholders' money on their own private 
    antitrust suits against the alleged monopolist. Still, it's a good read. :) 
    Date: Tue, 03 Feb 2004 18:48:02 -0500
    From: "Robin 'Roblimo' Miller" <robin@private>
    To: Declan McCullagh <declan@private>
    Subject: Eyewitness account of the Linux monopoly trial
    Washington DC, January 31, 2014 -- Riot police have finally managed to beat 
    back the milling throng of displaced Visual Basic programmers who attacked 
    the courthouse after Judge Cotter Kathelly announced that Linux was not an 
    illegal monopoly and that neither Linus Torvalds nor his company, Linux 
    Development, Inc, owed damages to former employees and shareholders of 
    now-bankrupt Microsoft or to any of its business partners.
    - by Robin 'Roblimo' Mille
    (Reporters Stephen Glass and Jayson Blair contributed to this article)
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