[Politech] Reason's Ron Bailey on alarmist scientists... and reality

From: Declan McCullagh (declan@private)
Date: Wed Feb 04 2004 - 15:55:56 PST

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    I'm a fan of Ron Bailey's careful reporting, and I encourage you to read 
    his testimony. More from today's hearing can be found at:
    Science and Public Policy
    Our man in science goes to Congress
    Ronald Bailey
    [[[ I am testifying at an oversight hearing before the House Subcommittee 
    on Energy and Mineral Resources on "The Impact of Science on Public Policy" 
    today, Feb. 4, 2004. I was asked to submit testimony about how and why 
    environmental predictions have gone wrong. What follows is the written 
    version of my testimony. (I get a whole five minutes to speak.) ]]]
    My name is Ronald Bailey. I am the science correspondent for the public 
    policy magazine Reason and I have written and reported on scientific and 
    environmental policy for more than two decades for various publications. I 
    am also an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute and at the Competitive 
    Enterprise Institute. I am the author of one book on environmental 
    predictions and policy (Eco-Scam: The False Prophets of Ecological 
    Apocalypse, St. Martin's Press, 1993). I am also the editor for three books 
    on environmental issues: The True State of the Planet, Free Press, 1995; 
    Earth Report 2000: Revisiting the True State of the Planet, McGraw-Hill, 
    2000; and Global Warming and Other Eco-Myths, Prima Publishing, 2003.
    Since this hearing is devoted to trying to assess the impacts of scientific 
    information on public policy, I think that looking back at the forecasts of 
    what the state of the planet was predicted to be at the end of the last 
    millennium would be a good place to start. Here I will be looking chiefly 
    at past predictions dealing with three topics: depletion of nonrenewable 
    resources, global population growth and famine, and projected rates of 
    species extinction.
    First, let us look at concerns over depleting so-called nonrenewable 
    resources. This thesis was most famously propounded in the 1972 Limits to 
    Growth report to the Club of Rome and later in President Jimmy Carter's 
    Global 2000 report. The Limits to Growth thesis got a big boost when the 
    Arab countries unleashed their oil embargo in 1973. It didn't hurt that the 
    Limits to Growth report was also featured on the front page of The New York 
    Times when it was released. Ultimately, the report sold 10 million copies 
    The Limits to Growth report includes a table listing all the resources that 
    were supposedly going to run out. The report's authors projected that, at 
    the exponential growth rates they expected to occur, known world supplies 
    of zinc, gold, tin, copper, oil, and natural gas would be completely 
    exhausted in 1992.
    Harrison Brown, a respected member of the National Academy of Sciences, 
    published predictions in Scientific American in 1970 which estimated that 
    humanity would totally run out of copper by 2000, and that lead, zinc, tin, 
    gold, and silver would all be gone by 1990.
    In 1976, MacArthur Foundation Fellow and Heinz Award in Environment 
    laureate Paul Ehrlich chimed in with his book, The End of Affluence. He 
    stated that "before 1985 mankind will enter a genuine age of scarcity...in 
    which the accessible supplies of many key minerals will be facing 
    depletion." In 1980, the Carter administration issued its gloomy Global 
    2000 report, which projected that the price of oil in 1995 would be $40 per 
    barrel in 1979 dollars.
    In the 1990s, textbooks like The United States and Its People told 
    impressionable schoolchildren that "some scientists estimate that the 
    world's known supplies of oil, tin, copper, and aluminum will be used up 
    within your lifetime." Another textbook, Concepts and Challenges in Earth 
    Science, asserts that once "nonrenewable resources are used up, their 
    supplies are gone" (just try arguing with logic like that!). A science 
    text, Biology, An Everyday Experience, connects the dots to draw the 
    obvious conclusion: "Governments must help save our fossil fuel supply by 
    passing laws limiting their use."
    I did a series of reports when I was at Forbes magazine in 1990. I went up 
    to MIT to interview Professor Jay Forrester and asked him, "I re-read The 
    Limits to Growth report; what happened?" Basically, Professor Forrester, 
    who was the godfather of this project, looked at me and said, "I think we 
    stressed the physical resources side a little too much." Of course, the 
    report would not have made it to the front page of The New York Times had 
    they not stressed the imminent depletion of nonrenewable resources.
    Even the generally alarmist Worldwatch Institute acknowledged in its 2001 
    Vital Signs report: "Nonfuel commodities now fetch only 46 percent as much 
    as in the mid-1970s." Indeed, Worldwatch admitted, "food and fertilizer 
    prices are about one-fourth their 1974 peak." Even the price of crude oil, 
    which has risen in the last couple of years, "nevertheless remains at about 
    half the zenith it achieved in 1980." In fact, overall, nonfuel commodities 
    cost only a third of what they did in 1900. As everyone knows, lower prices 
    generally mean that things are becoming more abundant, not scarcer.
    The U.S. Geological Survey estimates that at present rates of mining, known 
    reserves of copper will last 33 years; zinc, 25 years; silver, 14 years; 
    tin, 23 years; gold, 16 years; and lead, 23 years. It may sound like 
    humanity is running out of these minerals, but the fact is that these 
    levels have remained about the same for the past three decades. Just as a 
    householder doesn't stock all the groceries she'll need for the rest of her 
    life, similarly mining companies don't look for new deposits and open new 
    mines or develop new, more efficient, technologies until their larders are 
    drawn down. What about oil? The survey estimates that global reserves could 
    be as much as 2.1 trillion barrels of crude oil—enough to supply the world 
    for the next 90 years.
    Now onto population growth. Let's begin with a little walk down memory 
    lane. In 1968 Stanford University biologist, the aforementioned Paul 
    Ehrlich, famously predicted in his best-selling book The Population Bomb: 
    "The battle to feed all humanity is over. In the 1970s the world will 
    undergo famines; hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to 
    death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now."
    For the first Earth Day in 1970, Ehrlich, in an article entitled 
    "Eco-Catastrophe" in The Progressive magazine, offered a scenario in which 
    four billion people would starve to death between 1980 and 1989, 65 million 
    of whom would be Americans.
    Ehrlich is not alone in making dire predictions of imminent global famine. 
    Lester Brown, the founder of the Worldwatch Institute, declared in 1981 
    that "the period of global food security is over. As the demand for food 
    continues to press against supply, inevitably real food prices will rise. 
    The question no longer seems to be whether they will rise, but how much." 
    In 1994, Brown wrote in his annual State of the World report: "The world's 
    farmers can no longer be counted on to feed the projected additions to the 
    world's population." And Brown warned in his 1997 report: "Food scarcity 
    will be the defining issue of the new era now unfolding, much as 
    ideological conflict was the defining issue of the historical era that 
    recently ended." He continues: "rising food prices will be the first major 
    economic indicator to show that the world economy is on an environmentally 
    unsustainable path."
    Well, what happened? First, let's review a few things. Why did global 
    population increase so dramatically in the 20th century, rising from about 
    1.6 billion in 1900 to a bit over six billion today? As Harvard University 
    demographer Nicholas Eberstadt puts it: "Global population increased not 
    because people started breeding like rabbits, but because they stopped 
    dying like flies."
    What happened is that babies stopped dying shortly after being born, as had 
    been the case throughout the millennia for human beings. The global infant 
    mortality rate dropped from a couple of hundred per thousand to below 50 
    per thousand today. The result is that human life expectancy has more than 
    doubled from an average of only 30 years in 1900, rising to 46 years by 
    1950, and is now 66 years in the year 2001. That is a global figure. The 
    World Health Organization thinks life expectancy will increase to 73 years 
    on average by the year 2020. I would submit to you that this is truly 
    evidence for the greatest improvement of the human condition in all of 
    What about future population trends? One still hears from activists that 
    the world population will rise to 12 to 15 billion by 2050, or if they are 
    being more cautious—and they have been lately—to that amount by the year 
    2100. But there is a lot of evidence to suggest that is very unlikely.
    First let's look back at the predictions made in the 1970s. If famine were 
    somehow miraculously avoided, Paul Ehrlich and Lester Brown both predicted 
    that world population in 2000 would be seven billion people. In fact, as I 
    have already mentioned and as we all know, world population is only a bit 
    over six billion. Keep in mind that there is no predictive theory of 
    demography. However, everyone acknowledges that the rate of world 
    population growth is rapidly decelerating now.
    The United Nations' World Population Prospects, the 2000 revision, has 
    dropped its medium world population projections for 2025 to 7.8 billion 
    people. Only four years earlier in 1996, it had projected a world 
    population in 2025 of 8.4 billion. In other words, 600 million people 
    disappeared in only four years. They are not going to be with us. This 
    decline in the growth rate is going much faster than many people think. 
    According to many other demographers, this impressive drop indicates that 
    the world population trends are likely to track the UN's low variant trend, 
    in which world population will top out at around 7.5 billion or so in 2040 
    and then begin to drop. In fact, if the low variant trend is followed out, 
    world population in 2100 would be back to six billion. Even Nature magazine 
    in July 2001 published work that concludes that it is exceedingly unlikely 
    that world population will ever exceed ten billion people.
    What has happened, of course, is that women are having fewer children than 
    they did, dropping from nearly six children per woman in the 1960s to 
    around 2.6 today, and that rate continues to fall. The replacement rate is 
    2.1 children per woman, and all developed countries have already fallen 
    below that, including the United States.
    Of course, the reason that Ehrlich and others predicted demographic 
    disaster was their devotion to Malthusian theory. I have always been 
    impressed by the fact that ecologists and biologists, for some reason, 
    seized upon very early economic theory to inform their initial theories in 
    the 19th century, but refuse to listen to economists nowadays. In any case, 
    what confounded their predictions of doom is the advent of the Green 
    Revolution, which was nurtured by Nobel Peace Prize winner Norman Borlaug 
    and his colleagues. The Green Revolution has been summed up as "making two 
    blades of grass grow where only one could grow before." Indeed, food 
    production has more than doubled since the 1960s.
    By the way, Ehrlich was a great skeptic of the Green Revolution. He was 
    quoted in Life magazine saying: "It will soon turn brown." Since 1970 the 
    amount of food grown per person globally has increased 26 percent, even as 
    the world population nearly doubled. The International Food Policy Research 
    Institute recently reported: "World market prices for wheat, maize, and 
    rice—adjusted for inflation—are the lowest they have been in the past 
    century." In fact, they are all 90 percent lower than they were in 1850. 
    People are now paying 10 percent of what people paid in 1850 for their 
    food, the basics of life. According to the World Bank, food production did 
    increase 60 percent between 1980 and 1997. We can conclude that food is 
    cheaper and more abundant than it has ever been in all of human history.
    And more good news: The amount of land devoted to growing crops has barely 
    increased over the past 30 years, meaning millions of square miles of land 
    have been spared for nature with concomitant benefits for biodiversity 
    protection. So, Malthus, Ehrlich, Brown, and many other ecologists were 
    spectacularly wrong. More food does not mean more people. In fact, it turns 
    out, unfortunately for me, that more food means more fat old people.
    Let me close with a brief tour of past predictions about species 
    extinctions. Again the predictions by concerned scientists were way off the 
    mark. In 1970, Dr. S. Dillon Ripley, secretary of the Smithsonian 
    Institute, predicted that in 25 years, somewhere between 75 and 80 percent 
    of all the species of living animals will be extinct. That is 75 and 80 
    percent of all species of living animals would be extinct by 1995. In 1975, 
    Paul Ehrlich and his biologist wife, Anne Ehrlich, predicted that "since 
    more than nine-tenths of the original tropical rainforests will be removed 
    in most areas within the next 30 years or so, it is expected that half of 
    the organisms in these areas will vanish with it." It's now 29 years later 
    and nowhere near 90 percent of the rainforests have been cut.
    In 1979, Oxford University biologist Norman Myers suggested in his book The 
    Sinking Ark that 40,000 species per year were going extinct and that 1 
    million species would be gone by the year 2000. Myers suggested that the 
    world could "lose one-quarter of all species by the year 2000." At a 1979 
    symposium at Brigham Young University, Thomas Lovejoy, who is now the 
    president of The H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics, and the 
    Environment announced that he had made "an estimate of extinctions that 
    will take place between now and the end of the century. Attempting to be 
    conservative wherever possible, I still came up with a reduction of global 
    diversity between one-seventh and one-fifth." Lovejoy drew up the first 
    projections of global extinction rates for the Global 2000 Report to the 
    President in 1980. If Lovejoy had been right, between 15 and 20 percent of 
    all species alive in 1980 would be extinct right now. No one believes that 
    extinctions of this magnitude have occurred over the last three decades.
    What did happen? Most species that were alive in 1970 are still around 
    today. "Documented animal extinctions peaked in the 1930s, and the number 
    of extinctions has been declining since then," according to Stephen 
    Edwards, an ecologist with the World Conservation Union, a leading 
    international conservation organization whose members are non-governmental 
    organizations, international agencies, and national conservation agencies. 
    Edwards notes that a 1994 World Conservation Union report found known 
    extinctions since 1600 encompassed 258 animal species, 368 insect species, 
    and 384 vascular plants. Most of these species were "island endemics" like 
    the Dodo. They are particularly vulnerable to habitat disruption, hunting, 
    and competition from invading species. Since the establishment of an 
    endangered species list only seven species have been declared extinct in 
    the United States. Four are freshwater fish: the Tecopa pupfish (1982), the 
    Amistad gambusia (1987), the Cisco longjaw (1983), the blue pike (1983); a 
    freshwater clam, the Sampson's pearlymussel (1984), and two small birds, 
    the dusky seaside sparrow (1990) and the Santa Barbara song sparrow (1983).
    Let me say clearly from a personal perspective that species extinction is 
    undesirable and should be avoided when reasonably possible. Extinction 
    really is forever. But to put it in perspective, Science magazine just 
    published an article called "Prospects for Biodiversity" by Martin Jenkins, 
    who works for the United Nations Environment Programme-World Conservation 
    Monitoring Center that bears on this topic. Jenkins points out that even if 
    the dire projections of extinction rates being made by conservation 
    advocates are correct they "will not, in themselves, threaten the survival 
    of humans as a species." The Science article notes, "In truth, ecologists 
    and conservationists have struggled to demonstrate the increased material 
    benefits to humans of 'intact' wild systems over largely anthropogenic ones 
    [like farms]....Where increased benefits of natural systems have been 
    shown, they are usually marginal and local."
    What are the lessons to be learned from this record of badly exaggerated 
    predictions of environmental disaster? First, scientists, even well meaning 
    ones, don't know as much as they think they do. They generally go wrong 
    because they ignore or misunderstand how human beings interact with the 
    natural world and with other people, that is, they are largely ignorant of 
    economics. This ignorance constantly leads them astray because as 
    biologists and ecologists, they tend to think that human beings are merely 
    more clever herds of deer. When deer run out of their sustenance, they die. 
    When human beings begin to run out, they turn their brains and their social 
    institutions to producing more. Science can tell us what may be problems, 
    but it can't tell us what to do about them. Solutions depend on a deep 
    understanding of human values, politics, and economics. Scientists are no 
    more qualified to pronounce on those topics than their non-scientific 
    confreres and fellow citizens.
    Policy makers must be very cautious about rushing to adopt policies to 
    respond to alleged environmental crises. As physicist Edward Teller 
    reminded us: "Highly speculative theories of worldwide destruction—even of 
    the end of life on Earth—used as a call for a particular kind of political 
    action serve neither the good reputation of science nor dispassionate 
    political thought."
    I hope that I have also made it clear that it is very important to hold 
    people to account for their past predictive failures. Also, have patience, 
    the scientific process and peer review will eventually point us to the 
    truth. Finally, it should be clear that environmentalist advocates keep 
    making the same mistake over and over: they constantly underestimate the 
    power of technology and science, and underestimate the power of markets to 
    solve emerging problems. Thank you for your attention and I would be happy 
    to answer any questions.
    For more details please see my articles "Running Out of Evidence: The 
    environmental movement's collapsing case that we are running out of natural 
    resources" published in November/December 1998 issue of The Philanthropy 
    Roundtable. Also see my chapter "The Progress Explosion: Permanently 
    Escaping the Malthusian Trap" from Earth Report 2000: Revisiting the True 
    State of the Planet, (Free Press, 2000) a version of which was published in 
    The National Interest.
    Ronald Bailey, Reason's science correspondent, is the editor of Global 
    Warming and Other Eco Myths (Prima Publishing) and Earth Report 2000: 
    Revisiting the True State of the Planet(McGraw-Hill). His new book, 
    Liberation Biology: An Ethical and Scientific Defense of the Biotech 
    Revolution will be published by Prometheus later this year.
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