[Politech] Request for help in fighting bank fingerprinting rules [priv]

From: Declan McCullagh (declan@private)
Date: Sun Feb 22 2004 - 21:16:11 PST

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    Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2004 08:25:25 -0500
    From: Bonnie <rabbit@private>
    Subject: Fighting Big Brother in VT (Round One goes to Bonnie)
    I won my case (pro se) in small claims court on Friday,
    February 13. I had sued Key Bank for failure to
    honor a valid, duly-indorsed paycheck from
    Gardener's Supply, a long-time VT company.
    The judge agreed with me that requiring a thumbprint
    on the face of the check went beyond 'reasonable'
    and 'ordinary' care in determining my identity.
    (Docket# S1630-03, Chittenden Small Claims Court
    --I didn't know where, and didn't have the money to
    start this anywhere else.)
    I've taken it this far successfully, but if they
    appeal, I WILL NEED HELP. I was too busy with
    my husband's campaign to put out the call and
    publicize my case before now, except for a
    brief description posted Friday morning to
    I will be doing more, looking for interviews
    on this, to try to encourage other folks to
    go win $31 from Key Bank as well.
    I met a VTCLU former board member in the courthouse,
    Gloria Gil, and she encouraged me to contact the *CLU,
    which I was going to do anyway. Also, the press. I have
    a letter prepared for VT legislators, who Key Bank
    said had discussed this, but never passed any bill.
    Key Bank said that the VT State Banking Dept 'approved'
    this thumbprint requirement somehow. (They wanted
    me to go there instead of taking them to court,
    obviously.) So, I think another next step is to
    FOIA the hell out of the VT State Banking Dept.
    I want everything they've got on the 'thumbprint
    security' program, and any correspondence any
    of them had with Key Bank.
    I may have the same problem with my next 'first paycheck,'
    because I've just started a new job. I'll be taking Bank
    North to court as well, if they try to pull the same thing.
    When asked who else in the area req'd thumbprints, their
    security officer said that Bank North was considering it.
    (March 5 will be my first paycheck--companies can't
    start up direct deposit until paycheck #2, which was
    the cause of this problem in the first place.)
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