[Politech] A reply to f--kamerica.us and free speech rights [fs]

From: Declan McCullagh (declan@private)
Date: Mon Mar 22 2004 - 23:24:04 PST

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    -------- Original Message --------
    Subject: Re: [Politech] F--kamerica.us owner wants to sue Neustar to 
    keep anti-Bush website [fs]
    Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 15:58:34 -0800
    From: Ezekiel Krahlin <ezekielk@private>
    To: declan@private
    CC: keith.kimmel@private
    On Saturday, March 20, 2004 Keith W. Kimmel posted:
    Do either of you know of a good lawyer for free speech cases? I mean a 
    damn good one. Because I would be declaring war on the entire country, 
    the GOP,
    the so-called Patriots and possibly even individual congressmen and Bush 
    himself. I think I am sitting on one of the biggest online free speech cases
    I got your request on the Politech List. Don't know if this will help, 
    I was embroiled for a while, in 1998, with keeping my gay parody of 
    Peanuts on my website. For the complete story, see:
    The attorneys quickly backed off, shortly after I got full support from 
    the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF); and after I created my 
    "Schulz" page, showing the world I KNOW what my rights are, as a parody 
    author. Since you use "fuck" in your title, you might defend your right 
    by claiming parody. Or perhaps you can use a new URL with "screw" 
    instead...and test them for their honesty, as that word is NOT listed 
    under the forbidden "dirty" word list.
    On my Schulz page, there is this section:
    Legal Counsel & Communique
    There, you can read my correspondence with the CBLDF, which may or may 
    not help your particular case. Their website is:
    I'm hoping that CBLDF can either defend you directly, or give you some 
    excellent referrals. Otherwise--being the smallfry I am in this global 
    pool of Internet rights--I don't think I can be of any further help.
    Best of luck in your worthy struggle, keith!
    Vote for me in double-oh-four,
    Or brownshirts will bang down your door!
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