[Politech] Weekly column: U.S. blunders with China, Iran keyword blacklist [fs]

From: Declan McCullagh (declan@private)
Date: Mon May 03 2004 - 09:20:10 PDT

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    U.S. blunders with keyword blacklist
    May 3, 2004, 8:00 AM PT
    By Declan McCullagh
    The U.S. government concocted a brilliant plan a few years ago: Why
    not give Internet surfers in China and Iran the ability to bypass
    their nations' notoriously restrictive blocks on Web sites?
    Soon afterward, the U.S. International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB)
    invented a way to let people in China and Iran easily route around
    censorship by using a U.S.-based service to view banned sites such as
    BBC News, MIT and Amnesty International.
    But an independent report released Monday reveals that the
    U.S. government also censors what Chinese and Iranian citizens can see
    online. Technology used by the IBB, which puts out the Voice of
    America broadcasts, prevents them from visiting Web addresses that
    include a peculiar list of verboten keywords. The list includes "ass"
    (which inadvertently bans usembassy.state.gov), "breast"
    (breastcancer.com), "hot" (hotmail.com and hotels.com), "pic"
    (epic.noaa.gov) and "teen" (teens.drugabuse.gov).
    [...remainder snipped...]
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